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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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In order to control the player, you move your mouse and click. The distance between the player and the mouse is how fast the player will move.

I wanted it to be a hard game. Maybe I should make an easier first level, if I update it. Thank you for playing!

Yeah, I didn't think that through when making the spikes the same color as everything else. Thank you, though!

I made it so that when you release the mouse button it makes the ball jump because then it takes more skill to do things like jump off of walls, which you can do if you time it right. It also has to be when the mouse button is released because then if you're still touching the ground after you jump, it will jump multiple times. Thank you for your input!

If I do update the game, I could probably make a reset button. The reason I didn't make a tutorial is because the controls are just pointing and clicking, but I feel like the other mechanics (reverse gravity, "water", etc. could probably need a tutorial). Thank you for your feedback!

I got jebaited on level 12.

Cool game idea, nice soundtrack, but I do think that the hitboxes should be slightly bigger.

Can't blame you. Purposely tried to make it really hard, but at the very least possible. Level 5 used to use two different characters, and the only reason I scrapped that because the level design broke when you died.

I think the game is really good, although I do think it is a bit brutal having to restart everytime.

Yeah, a tutorial probably could've been good, but I kinda wanted to make the games mechanics teach themselves. I also kind of wanted the game to be pretty hard. Thank you though!

The first level is probably the easiest level, but I could probably make it easier. As far as music, I'm decent at writing music, but my style doesn't fit in a video game setting.

I forgot to mention this in the description, sorry! You can press T while hovering over cards to trash them.

Alright I've played the game for a few minutes and my only complaints are that it's a little bit weird to control and there's no real tutorial.

I've not even started playing and the music is great.