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A member registered Jan 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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Well, a part of it was work, which is pretty typical. But another part of it was drive. I feel like I could've committed more time to working on it rather than doing other activities in my free time

I liked the aesthetic and environment, even if it was a bit too dark. As someone else mentioned, the monster was pretty relentless, so I wasn't really able to get to the end. The door prompt always says "Press E to Open" even if its closed, but that's a bit of a nitpick. Like the design of the creature as well!

I'm both glad that the project was finished and that I managed to make something but also a little upset that I didn't give myself enough time to work on it. Game still has some issues but I'm glad that I worked on it! (UI Artist, btw. The game is "To Be Demolished" published under the programmer allcrazyman101.)

Oh damn, I didn't even run into the monster lo

Interesting game! Like the atmosphere. The sensitivity is pretty high and I wish the flashlight was utilized more. Some sound effects were also kind of louder than I should be.