On the 69th day, Leviathan made 17 vast hermaphrodite air conditioners, with soccer socks that made stars quiver in sorrow, and hand sanitizer on its osmium loins that no Voldemorts could touch.
Pluto Neon
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There is a Christ cross item on one of the shelves in the storage room past Phonty that can neutralize Konstantine for 30 seconds and stops him from moving and driving you insane. Hold the cross out and touch him directly for the cross to work. You'll know it works when you hear a low quiet "THUN" sound effect after touching Konstantine with the cross (The cross won't work when you meet Konstantine for the first time in a single run, standing upright; you have to get him to move by turning yourself around or backing away from him upon seeing him and wait for him to start moving for the first time before you can face him again for the cross to take effect.) The cross only works for 30 seconds each time you touch Konstantine with it, so be cautious of your surroundings and timing before you enter a classroom to solve a notebook. If you get chomped by Konstantine only a few times, immediately take out the cross and slowly walk away from him after he's been frozen in place. Do not run or you'll lose blood much faster. You may lose more than half your blood, but your blood will slowly stop spilling if your health remains undisturbed for about half a minute, then it will take about one minute for the blood bar to replentish and be fully restored.
Here's an idea: A downloadable moddable version of the AEwVS math level, like the moddable version of Alex's Basics in Biology and Zoology and Baldi's Basics. It would be great for passing time and having fun, and might even boost some more popularity for this game just a little bit. Being able to change the environment textures, the character sprites, the music, sounds, item and notebook sprites would keep us and each other occupied and entertained. Not everything from the current math level has to be included in the mod like the tarwill realm chalk circle, or the gem shards, dCoins, or anything that applies to obtaining an artifact from the other levels or the store. Those things can be scrapped from the mod to conserve FPS and memory. How's this idea sound?
If you don't already have the black key in your belt, then yes, that is the only way, but things are much easier now. There are now blue and yellow paper notebooks found in random classrooms that can each be shredded into several papers, saving you time from having to collect other trash to make a trail for Cleany. Remember to have at least 1 lockpick with you (there are also uncommon steel lockpicks now, but they cannot be stored in the belt like the black ones) to open the locker with the black door key (remember which locker it is). One more thing, WHEN YOU SAVE ITEMS TO YOUR BELT, ALWAYS REMEMBER TO PRESS F WHILE THE BELT IS OPEN, OR ELSE YOU WILL LOSE EVERY ARTIFACT YOU RECENTLY COLLECTED IN YOUR CURRENT RUN WHEN YOU RESTART, EXIT, OR BEAT A LEVEL!!! NEVER FORGET TO SAVE YOUR BELT ITEMS WITH LEFT ALT+F!!!
Any items with yellow or red text (there's no difference between those two colors in functionality) can be stored in the belt as an artifact. Also, regular black lockpicks can now be stored in the belt as artifacts (they still break randomly, but they will reappear in your inventory unbroken again when you restart a level), making the "Complete Albert" mission or obtaining the rusty knife much less frustrating.
The problem with AEWVS is that the large majority of the audience consists of mostly teenagers and pre-teens, and as much as we would love to donate to Nosy to help him, we're too young to have digital money of our own, and adults with money that actually care about supporting this game are very rare, and even then, their subscribers are always forcing them to quickly move on to other random games before even beating the current game they're playing.
So in one of my successful runs on the language level, Marzia stole and swallowed my cross. After I got the tenth language notebook and unlocked the elevator to the history level without pressing the button to go up to the third floor, I went searching through trashcans looking for SCP - 4002, when I stumbled across my stolen cross in one of the trashcans. So apparently, Marzia's pyloric sphincter acts as a portal to a random trashcan. I guess that means Angell's chewed up corpse winds up in a trashcan as well.
Did you know that in language, there is a classroom that can only be opened with all 3 colored keys, red, blue, and black? There are 3 overlapping doors with yellow, blue, and red handles. It leads to a useless classroom with nothing interesting except flipped and stacked desks and chairs. Hardly anything useful except a few generic items. I only checked it in little puss mode, maybe there's something more interesting in it during the chase modes. When you reach the 2nd half of the level (the area past the server room and the gross pizza room) look for a single door with a yellow handle and have all 3 colored keys with you (not counting the history level's forest key). It's one of those classrooms with only one way in and out.
This is what happened when I downloaded alpha 15 from itch.io directly on Google Chrome, then extracted the files from the zip, and executed it. My computer thinks it is a malware and doesn't even give me a "Run Anyway" option.And here's what happens when I try to download the new build from the itch.io app. It forces me to find a new app to download it and open the itch link, but there are no available apps as soon as I go the Microsoft Store. As of now, I'm currently stuck with the covid beta version that was downloaded automatically by the itch.io app.

Guys, please help me.
Windows is preventing the new alpha from running on my computer, saying it's unrecognized and it'll put my computer at risk. Please help me and guide me in understandable words.
I really want to play this new build, but I need step-by-step advice from a pro to help me figure out how to open up the file.
Original Viktor, Marzia, and Cleany images:
This was expertly made purely with Adobe Photoshop. I took a screenshot of the teachers, downloaded their original unedited human forms from Mrdrnose on Discord in the deleted-and-original-images tab (like how head-teacher had an original form), mosiac-pixelated the humans, matched their color tone with the atmosphere, and voila. I'm the messiah. I'm so happy I finally was given graphic design as a class for 11th grade instead of some stupid elective that I didn't even want nor asked for, like choir for the fourth time, or theatre-arts for the fourth time, or interpersonal-studies for the first time. It really paid off.
9 more days until the anniversary of AEWVS!!! You know what I propose for a future build? RADAR MODE!!! It'll be a special reward cheat for beating the language level, and ONLY FOR BEATING THE LANGUAGE LEVEL. Radar mode is an optional mode available in all 3 levels where there will be a map of the current level the player is in, on the top right corner of the screen, showing the player where the characters currently are, in the form of identical red dots without specifying which dots are which characters to make it a little less obvious who each dot represents. Radar mode can be useful for better predicting Mr. Cleany-Clean and Marzia's paths and locations at different periods of time for when the player decides to scavenge for notebooks afterwards without the radar, as well as helping the player watch out for stupid jerk Head Teacher and silent stealth Viktor, especially in Braniac mode. It can also be used to locate the priest and die to him, at least when the death achievement or sanity mechanics are re-adjusted. Anyway, this cheat is just a reward for great progress and completion, not something available from the start. If it still seems too overpowering and easy to obtain and abuse, how about the player having to obtain a certain amount of achievements, probably 18 total, in order to unlock Radar Mode. I got the idea of Radar Mode from the radar cheat in Five Nights at Freddy's 4. Tell me what you all think of this special cheat reward down below. I hope Mrdrnose reads this and replies as well.
You know, Mrdrnose, instead of focusing so much on the minor insignificant details like the floor and wall textures, the voice lines, and the secrets in places like the past levels, you should probably focus more on expanding the history level's major architecture (more corridors and rooms that add to the notebook hunt, but not short-lived secret rooms), populating the empty history classrooms with copy-and-paste desks, chairs, wastebaskets, podiums, junk, and blackboards, as well as random common items in the classrooms, adding paintings to barren walls, providing Viktor's spawning room and a few of his notebooks, 2 or 3 new history notebooks with a new topic like Youtubers, historical and recent murders, science discoveries, US/World history, AEWVS update history, etc., you know, things you can do rather quickly in a short time span, but adds a more notable and significant change to the level's atmosphere and gameplay. If you can complete at least half of the recommendations I provided, the history level would already feel greatly different. If you're having trouble planning what the map layout should look like, try using the filled rectangle tool in Windows Paint to draw out your bird's-eye-view ideas for your maps (like how MIX, Devon, and I sketched out the top view of the entire language level). Don't worry about the Math and Language levels; they're already great as they are (except Braniac math) and we can all agree.
I wonder what this glitchy hidden room could be? I caught a quick glimpse of it in one of Absol's streams of the alpha 0.1.3 update at 1:07:49, near the hallway behind the first classroom while she was being dragged to the cauldron by the head teacher (after being spotted holding a knife). It looks like one of the rooms from the bunker.