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A member registered 97 days ago · View creator page →

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Nice game, but saving up money was pretty tough!
Also I was unable to reduce the volume of the music in the options menu X_X

Good job, and I can also see that the idea can be expanded more! However, I felt like the ball was not exactly moving toward my cursor. 

The music worked well with the theme of being in a rush! 
Sadly, I got stuck at one point, and resetting didn't help. An indicator for how much time is left would also be great (Maybe it got cut off because of the camera options)

The vibe of the game was great! Also appreciated that you gave an option to jump right into the game

I really enjoyed the music and sound design of the dialogues! 

Like how the sack increased difficulty of the game! For the enemies I would have loved a bit more variety in their behavior.

Love the progression of difficulty and soundtrack in the background! 

I really enjoyed the music! And it is a nice quick and simple game!