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A member registered Mar 10, 2018

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5.19d in scripts/dailyevents

After brief talk you realize that the young                                                      a brief talk

You spend couple of hours going through mansion's yard                                a couple // the mansion's yard

After it's over $name addresses to you.                                       adresses you.      

After spending some time exploring each other bodies                                          each other's bodies

By the end of a date you have grown closer.                                         of the date

You and $name spend some time having a pleasant conversion.                                             conversation

you drag $name to the private room spending rest of the morning                                            to a private room  (more than 1 in the mansion)// the rest of the morning

and give $him long lustful kiss                                                     a long

You decide to keep eye on $him                                              an eye

$he announce you that $he brought                                    announces (or tells you)

You send $child to the city to try find $his relatives.                                 to try finding or to try to find

at the brothel for last few days.                                               for the last few days

he offers you hefty sum of gold                                              a hefty sum

and ask $him if he wishes to leave your estate                                                   if $he wishes

and provide $him with miscarriage potion.                                       with a 

$He asks you to give $him couple of days away                              a couple of days

does not offer any visible hostility.                                        suggest:  does not show any visible hostility.

does not deserve any rest in first place                             in the first place

visited by an unknown man, who appears to be a fairly well-known official                          either he's famous or not, I suggest "visited by a fairly well-known official" instead

and proclaims that your person, $name                                                that your slave

He demands compensation and your person to be properly disciplined.                            your slave

As official leaves you wondering how badly it gonna hurt your reputation                            As the official // you wonder how // it's gonna hurt

punish $him, but it is in his best interest                           in $his best

yesterday and according to few witnesses,                              to a few

and with help of Mage's Order you find $name                          with help from the Mage's order (or with the help of )

appointed headgirl, deciding $he should be able to take care of it. By the end of the day "                        missing end of sentence

pretty piece of jewelry possessed by strange trader                                                          by a strange

$he can take it easy for few days until                                         for a few days

couldn't find much food in past few days.                                   in the past few (or in the last few days)

being wooed over by few male teenagers.                                            by a few

tell $name that you demand $him responds to $his admirers                                            you demand $he responds (or you demand $him to respond)

life very complicated to the point, $2he's ready to became a slave                                         very complicated, to the point // ready to become

You reject the $2child's offer telling that your current situation                                             saying that (or telling $him that)

valuable pieces of clutter you have at your mansion. As you inspect it, apparently nothing really important was damaged,                      "clutter" doesn't sound precious, I suggest replacing with " valuable item" , " valuable piece of furniture"  or something like that.

As $he quickly gets wetter                     what if it's a boy ? I recommend "gets aroused" instead

you decide to drop whole issue                                       the whole issue

5.19d in scripts/ending

a couple officials, including a few prominent slave traders, were arrested.                                               Suggest changing to "several officials" instead, since a few is already more than a couple.

Gorn has continued to grow in wealth and power being dominant force in southern regions.                                power, being a dominant force in

Garhor's death served a grim reminder for those clans willing to oppose                                    Garthor  // served as a grim // for the clans willing

In spite of such economic success, Theron's respect has strengthened                          In spite of =despite, it's the opposite here. I suggest " As a result of this" instead.

Some said she was one of perpetraitors                                            one of the // perpetrators

After short time he managed to seize a considerable wealth.                                           After a short time (I suggest  Quite quickly instead)

Their compassion for each other and yourself growing ever stronger.                                   I think it should be "affection" instead

After Cali's disappearance, you stood no chance of hearing from her again.                      I suggest " you never heard from her again" instead (it could've happened)

While she holds no ill will toward you                                              towards

Chloe eventually grew accustomed to life in your household                                           to living in

What was left of Chloe is still serving clients of certain small brothel attracting customers                                       of a certain  (or of a small brothel) //           , attracting customers.

Chloe continued to live at Shaliq,                                                    in Shaliq

Yris still looking for a ways to survive around Gorn                                           Yris is still         //       for a way to survive (or for ways to)

After some time Zoe, ran away from Frostford                                      time, Zoe ran (2 times)

Zoe deceased and has been buried at homeland in Frostford                               buried in her homeland

Ayda returned to her work in Gorn, sending you letter of gratitude.                                               a letter

Her assistant was exceptionally happy and continues to serve his master.                                      her master.

in scripts/gallery

Contrary to that, she's pretty timid and                                                 suggest "Despite that" instead

Few authorities around The Order believe he might be a dangerous hostile.                               As it is, that sounds like they underestimate him and think he's no threat. If you mean that some people started to notice him and think he's a threat, I recommend "Some authorities" instead.

(0.5.19) in scripts/combat: 

You hastly escape from the fight.                                             hastily (or quickly)

in combatdata:

As you walk through the wildreness, you hear fierce roar.                                                wilderness  //    a fierce roar

by getting into it's territory.                                                       its

You come across [color=aqua]group of ooze monsters                                             a group

bystrander already reported by Blargenbum

numerous watchmen moving around and few captives too                                       a few captives

leading few recently [color=yellow]captured victims                                            leading a few

You spot and [color=aqua]ugly creature                                                     an ugly creature

You have been spotted by [color=aqua]patrolling militia[/color] group from Wimborn.                            either: by a patrolling militia group OR by patrolling militia

(Same thing for large militia group and for other towns)

in dictionary:

allows the slave to be melded to suit your taste                                                   molded

(3 edits)

in startslavequest :

    $He watches you with a hint of worry in his gaze                                         in $his gaze

supplies are left from your journey, to put together dinner.                      suggest "to put some dinner together" instead

  home any more. $he’s free to try to return                                                    $He's free                                

that $he probably won’t an easy journey, travelling alone.                      won't have an

WIthout saying another word,                                                      Without

but you have something very important business to attend to                                    some very (3 times)

$He blushes as he trails off,                                             as $he trails

oblige $him if he ever wants another massage                                                if $he ever (2 times)

having $his $2sibling rest atop him like that                                                rest atop $him

$name lays down on his stomach, and tells you                                                     on $his stomach

as you work at a particularly tense muscle.                                                         work on a

Feeling the press of her erection against your hip as he embraces                                             of his erection

lower his underwear, however, a groan escapes her lips                                                    his lips

penis twitch against the contraining fabric                                                     constraining

erect shaft as she thinks of your commanding gaze                                     as he thinks

he thinks of how you’ve strained yourself to help her. He begins                                    to help him.

as she thinks off all of the things she wants                                                            thinks of (or thinks about)

shaft as he thinks off all of the things he                                                          same

pictures your hand in the place of his, masturabting him                                    masturbating

moan as her silken folds envelope your erect penis                                               envelop (verb, not the object)

As you feel him growing close, his cock beginning to twitch                              begins to twitch (or:  You feel him growing)

and both of your cry out as he fills you with his seed.                                              both of you cry out

quickly realize that you’re tied to the corners of bed.                                          of the bed. (3 times)

gather your clothes, and escape to your own rooms.                               own room. (4 times) 

leaves you alone, smiling to himself he walks away.                                        as he walks

trying to turn your head away from pussy,                                               from her pussy

the pleasure shivering through your body despite your desire.             not despite, because of.  or maybe despite the situation instead.

on you as his cock betweens to twitch in your hand                                     begins to twitch

as you walk back you your own rooms.                                     to your own room

also on my previous post you missed  disgust and overwhelmed, I forgot to put // to indicate 2 changes :        

           watches your actions with digust,        overwhelemed by the situation

Nice update ! :)

(1 edit)
  • NO BUY : not buying any slaves (either from guilds, sebastian or slavers).

You can recruit story characters , but for all others you have to capture them in combat. You can allow recruitement of liberated prisoners if you want, but only after defeating the bandits or slavers that captured them. For harder version, no story characters allowed, capture only.

  • NO SELL : you can't sell any slave to anyone (except for main story quests when required). Means you can't use that as your source of income at all (no slave guild contracts either).

I play like this, but also add "no sex work at all" and "no farm" rules since it's not exactly "nice" to use slaves as animals.  Not using aphrodisiacs either, or any kind of degrading action.

(1 edit)

5.18d in files/scripts/exploration

With some luck, $name manages to crack the chest open              (missing end period)
You reveal yourself to the slavers' group and wondering if                   and wonder if
You purchase slavers' captive and return to mansion.                   a  slaver's captive (or the if only one) // to the mansion
You have defeated enemy group!                                    the enemy group

One of the defeated bandits in exchange for their life reveal location of their camp you've
been in search for.                                        reveals the location of their camp you've been searching for        
You undress sole defeated and without further hesitation                    should be the sole
defeated, but I suggest replacing with "You undress your prisoner and..."

watches at your actions with digust, eventually                 watches your actions with disgust
watches at your deeds with interest, occassionally rustling              watches your deeds// occasionally
overwhelemed by situation, joins you                         overwhelmed by the situation
does not appear to be very interested in ongoing action                  in the ongoing action
$name passes you some valueable and gold.                          some valuables and gold (or some valuable items, or a valuable item and some gold)
After brief pause, $name gives you an accepting nod                a brief pause
$he rewards you with passionate session.                          a passionate

observes you for some time, measuring you words                      your words        
Perhaps, somebody skilled in aclhemy                                 alchemy
You have unlocked new portal!                                       a new portal
no free cells in jail $name has been assigned to communal room         to the communal room.

Also, once a day you can camp with your group at the end of a zone. Needs 3 supplies and 5food/person.

Heals a fair bit, also gets endurance back to max and decreases stress.

(1 edit)

If it helps I noticed that sometimes after having sex with a slave, when going back to the interactions screen I am in a 4th (empty) tab called "sexmode". I need to click "mode" to cycle through it and get back to the normal three modes (meet, sex and abuse).

Darkknightdragon, make sure you are in "interaction : sex" (Not "sexmode"). You should see five tabs : caress, fucking, tools, sm, humiliation. But you won't find bestiality as it is not implemented in the new system yet.

Edit : steps to reproduce : start a social interaction and end it with "request intimacy" (even if you unlocked it already with that slave). Do the sexual interaction and afterwards click interaction button, you'll be on a "sexmode" empty tab.

v0.5.14d windows 10

It seems herbal contraception no longer works in this version. Unless it's been changed to require more than 3 days before it takes effect ?

Also, when you raise a slave's endurance or give them +health gear, it only raises max health but not current. Unless it's an intentional rollback, this was something that had been fixed a while ago iirc and came back in this version. For example if you give a slave with 50/50 health +2 endurance, health changes to 50/100.

(3 edits)

v 0.5.14d windows 10

If someone is pregnant and then aborts or loses the baby, it will still appear in the relations screen ( as a daughter that will never be born).

I tried "updating" by going to the next day, same result.

The entry in "see relatives" appears as soon as the mother is pregnant, not at birth. And if the child dies before birth, the entry stays.

Edit : If a slave dies in battle, she also stays in the relatives screen. Not sure if intended or not. Tested with starting slave = sister.

(1 edit)

5.13a windows 10

There is currently no limit to the number of times you can have social interaction with a slave in a day (unlike sexual interaction which is limited to 1/day/slave). Not sure if it's intended or a bug ? As it is, that means it is possible to make slaves go from "just captured, hates you" to "fond of you, agrees to unlock sex" in the same day by talking to them multiple times.

Also not sure if working as intended or not, if you end a social interaction with "request intimacy" and switch to sexual interaction, it will not count in the limit of sexual interactions you can do per day. (it will however count as the limit of 1/day for that slave). So for example with 3 social and 3 sexual available/day and enough slaves, you can in fact have 3 social and 6 sexual in total.

I have one like that too (started a new save in 5.13a) with -1 magic, I was wondering where it was coming from.

0.5.13a windows 10

If you buy spells and reload a previous save, you keep them.

I did the first mage quests, bought a few spells but reloaded the "start of day" autosave due to a mistake I made. I still had all the spells I bought previously unlocked and can use them even if they are not available for buying yet since I have to redo the mage quests (tested with invigorate).

I tested the same thing but reloading a previous manual save instead of the autosave, same result.

Steps : (in the same day), do first mage quest, buy spells, save, reload previous save.

What Rendrassa said. Also, you can heal in town if you transfer bandages in your backpack and then click the bottom right " control" icon.

Ok, so contraception for males is a waste of money then. Thanks for the (quick) answers !  

(1 edit)

Herbal contraception prevents females and futas from getting pregnant. But does it work the other way around too ? If a male or futa takes it, will that prevent that slave from impregnating others ?

Also, are testicles needed for males/futas to make others pregnant or is it just cosmetic in-game ?

(1 edit)

0.5.9a on windows 10

Flirting with maple, she gives a blowjob, text says you gain 15 mana but it's not added.

Second quest bring a fairy to melissa, you can bring her a fairy boy and she'll accept him saying "what a cute girl". Also, the text flashes and disappears without clicking anything.

Edit : also sometimes when you sell a slave to sebastian, your reputation increases with a town instead of decreasing.

Awesome game overall, congratulations !

(1 edit)

0.5.8 windows10
Like Qinlongfei I also see something weird with the food count at the end of the day, I sometimes get more food than I should.

I think it may be linked to the "you notice some food is gone" event when slaves steal from you.  But instead of substracting food it adds more.

I find the game quite easy overall, but I haven't played in some time, so I don't know if the last updates changed things (magical items, changes to the spawns etc from what I've read).

I like to play as a "nice" slavemaster. It makes the game harder at the same time.

That means no killing, raping or beatings, and  only I can touch my girls, with their consent (well, as slaves, but you see what I mean); I don't send them to the brothel or be used as guinea pigs, etc. No attacking the peasants or travellers in the wild either.
For extra difficulty, no farm. Money will be tighter.

I'm not a fan of tatoos, so I don't use them. It also makes the game a bit harder since you can't get the bonuses they give.

A "no buying any slaves from guilds" condition is also interesting. It makes the early game harder, afterwards it's not really a problem anymore.

I'm not a fan of tatoos, didn't try them so I didn't know about nature ones, thanks. My point still stands though, as it's still a maximum +35 permanent from base. That means 75 max for PC.

That's usually how it goes for me, first I recruit some cheap (and ugly) slaves to get the ball rolling, then do the quests to recruit the special named girls, then endgame I hunt the deep areas for the best and most beautiful girls I can find. A way to max beauty (quite costly so it's not OP) would be nice.

(1 edit)

At the moment there is no way to greatly improve beauty. I'd like my character to have a perfect beauty score ! ^^

 But starting at 40, it's not currently possible, you can do a one-time lab improvement to 60 (iirc) and that's it. Maybe a repeatable way with a high magic cost would be nice for endgame. That way you can choose between improving your slaves or hunt for those perfect beauty "natural" ones.

Lorewise it would be a great amount of magic used to rejuvenate and reshape face and body to improve beauty.  Possibly also a way to heal some traits like scarred, crippled and mute.

And/Or, as a more evil option, a sacrifice of a slave (or several) to use the vital essence for the same effect (it would need some balancing so you cannot just recruit plenty of cheap slaves for that).

(1 edit)

Small quality of life suggestion:

I like the fact that you can customize what your slaves should call you. I think it would be even better to be able to change the  default  for all girls at once, maybe in the options ?

For example, if playing as a futa,  they will call you "Master" by default. To change it to "Mistress"(or whatever else) you have to do it for every slave separately. A way to "change for all" would save time.