This thread is now dedicated for ingame typos.
- Maverik
Ah! Well, those aren't really typos or anything, but nonetheless grammatical in nature... mostly. Since i don't know if this has been already mentioned elsewhere, lemme just put the ones i distinctly remember here (and for our convenience, i looked them up in the
in "MainQuestFrostfordMainOrder" there is the one i noticed the most. The Order mage says "Oh right,you is the one we want to deal with that one issue..." Which stems from the use of $he, which gets turned into 'you' instead of 'he' because it runs through globals.player.dictionaryplayer(). Maybe another variable is needed, like $3he for third-person-mentioning of the player? i'm sure i noticed it somewhere else in the quests, too. and even though i can't remember where, i guess it CaliGoodEnd, because in there is "Mom, Dad, this is $name. $He’s been letting me stay at $his mansion and $he helped me find my way back." And the same, i guess, in CaliGoodEndKeep, too, even though it doesn't show, because " And, well, I guess I do owe $him for all this." just sounds like she suddenly addresses the player again. This may be somewhere else too, but i don't remember it. :)
then in "MapleFlirt": "... gives you no choice but to stay standing leaning up against the wall, but it seems ..." sounds weird, but not being a native speaker, that might just be me. or maybe its missing a comma? o.0
then in "MainQuestFinaleGorn", there is a 'a' missing. "...despite the absence of their leader, considerable number of Kel'tor's clan went into hiding..."
and i was shocked, when in "MainQuestFinaleGoodChoiceLeaveGarthor" you toss the poor bastard to his death o.0 "You strip Garthor and his orcs of their equipment and toss them over a cliff before continuing on your way." This should really be a "it" instead of a "them" ;)
i hoped that helped, further good luck with that, i highly enjoyed playing it (even though i used a walkthrough in order to not miss out on special characters :) )
edit1: Version 0.5.18c
edit2: while looking through "", i also found "Living armor" and in its description :"An unearthy semi-living object which can be weared." should be "An unearthly semi-living object which can be worn." Not sure, but i think i saw the item ingame, too, but wasn't really interested.
eidt3: whats with all the edits? -_-
anyway, i just noticed that in the small logs on the side, when someones stress-level changes, it should be "has become mildly stressed" (same with considerably stressed, of course) instead of "has became" :)
5.18d in files/scripts/exploration
With some luck, $name manages to crack the chest open (missing end period)
You reveal yourself to the slavers' group and wondering if and wonder if
You purchase slavers' captive and return to mansion. a slaver's captive (or the if only one) // to the mansion
You have defeated enemy group! the enemy group
One of the defeated bandits in exchange for their life reveal location of their camp you've
been in search for. reveals the location of their camp you've been searching for
You undress sole defeated and without further hesitation should be the sole
defeated, but I suggest replacing with "You undress your prisoner and..."
watches at your actions with digust, eventually watches your actions with disgust
watches at your deeds with interest, occassionally rustling watches your deeds// occasionally
overwhelemed by situation, joins you overwhelmed by the situation
does not appear to be very interested in ongoing action in the ongoing action
$name passes you some valueable and gold. some valuables and gold (or some valuable items, or a valuable item and some gold)
After brief pause, $name gives you an accepting nod a brief pause
$he rewards you with passionate session. a passionate
observes you for some time, measuring you words your words
Perhaps, somebody skilled in aclhemy alchemy
You have unlocked new portal! a new portal
no free cells in jail $name has been assigned to communal room to the communal room.
this one is just awkward to read. i want to think your companion is suppose to be doing things... but its having the main character do things. which is causing word and grammar conflicts.
##switch to companion instead of main character (i.e as pictured Moro is my main), and modify the wording.
"As you consult with your leading companion --
COMPANIONNAME mentions that (he/she) saw some poisonous berries nearby and offers to try to poison the bandit's mead barrel."
##correct the rest to follow along for proper wording.
"You accept and warn (him/her) to be careful. COMPANIONNAME stealthily moves off into the woods. A few minutes later, the bandits that are drinking are distracted by a sound and start poking around the brush. You see COMPANIONNAME quickly sneak up to where the bandits left their mugs, adding something to each. As (he/she) disappears back into the forest you admire her skilled woodcraft, startled when (he/she) pops up behind you. As you watch the bandits resume their drinking, it does not take long before they start acting oddly. One lies down and apparently goes to sleep, while the other starts throwing up into the bushes before collapsing."
##after pressing continue (this one is pretty good really... just to to remove "be")
"As you carefully scout out the situation you realize that there's probably more here than you can easily hand at once. Two bandits are in the center of the camp arguing over who gets to rape the terrified girl tied up near them. Two bandits are lying in a drunken stupor near the mead cask and one more is making a slow circuit of the camp, keep a close eye on the surrounding woods.
version 0.5.18d
location: Shilaq Village, Bandit Camp Quest
in startslavequest :
$He watches you with a hint of worry in his gaze in $his gaze
supplies are left from your journey, to put together dinner. suggest "to put some dinner together" instead
home any more. $he’s free to try to return $He's free
that $he probably won’t an easy journey, travelling alone. won't have an
WIthout saying another word, Without
but you have something very important business to attend to some very (3 times)
$He blushes as he trails off, as $he trails
oblige $him if he ever wants another massage if $he ever (2 times)
having $his $2sibling rest atop him like that rest atop $him
$name lays down on his stomach, and tells you on $his stomach
as you work at a particularly tense muscle. work on a
Feeling the press of her erection against your hip as he embraces of his erection
lower his underwear, however, a groan escapes her lips his lips
penis twitch against the contraining fabric constraining
erect shaft as she thinks of your commanding gaze as he thinks
he thinks of how you’ve strained yourself to help her. He begins to help him.
as she thinks off all of the things she wants thinks of (or thinks about)
shaft as he thinks off all of the things he same
pictures your hand in the place of his, masturabting him masturbating
moan as her silken folds envelope your erect penis envelop (verb, not the object)
As you feel him growing close, his cock beginning to twitch begins to twitch (or: You feel him growing)
and both of your cry out as he fills you with his seed. both of you cry out
quickly realize that you’re tied to the corners of bed. of the bed. (3 times)
gather your clothes, and escape to your own rooms. own room. (4 times)
leaves you alone, smiling to himself he walks away. as he walks
trying to turn your head away from pussy, from her pussy
the pleasure shivering through your body despite your desire. not despite, because of. or maybe despite the situation instead.
on you as his cock betweens to twitch in your hand begins to twitch
as you walk back you your own rooms. to your own room
also on my previous post you missed disgust and overwhelmed, I forgot to put // to indicate 2 changes :
watches your actions with digust, overwhelemed by the situation
Nice update ! :)
(0.5.19) in scripts/combat:
You hastly escape from the fight. hastily (or quickly)
in combatdata:
As you walk through the wildreness, you hear fierce roar. wilderness // a fierce roar
by getting into it's territory. its
You come across [color=aqua]group of ooze monsters a group
bystrander already reported by Blargenbum
numerous watchmen moving around and few captives too a few captives
leading few recently [color=yellow]captured victims leading a few
You spot and [color=aqua]ugly creature an ugly creature
You have been spotted by [color=aqua]patrolling militia[/color] group from Wimborn. either: by a patrolling militia group OR by patrolling militia
(Same thing for large militia group and for other towns)
in dictionary:
allows the slave to be melded to suit your taste molded
5.19d in scripts/ending
a couple officials, including a few prominent slave traders, were arrested. Suggest changing to "several officials" instead, since a few is already more than a couple.
Gorn has continued to grow in wealth and power being dominant force in southern regions. power, being a dominant force in
Garhor's death served a grim reminder for those clans willing to oppose Garthor // served as a grim // for the clans willing
In spite of such economic success, Theron's respect has strengthened In spite of =despite, it's the opposite here. I suggest " As a result of this" instead.
Some said she was one of perpetraitors one of the // perpetrators
After short time he managed to seize a considerable wealth. After a short time (I suggest Quite quickly instead)
Their compassion for each other and yourself growing ever stronger. I think it should be "affection" instead
After Cali's disappearance, you stood no chance of hearing from her again. I suggest " you never heard from her again" instead (it could've happened)
While she holds no ill will toward you towards
Chloe eventually grew accustomed to life in your household to living in
What was left of Chloe is still serving clients of certain small brothel attracting customers of a certain (or of a small brothel) // , attracting customers.
Chloe continued to live at Shaliq, in Shaliq
Yris still looking for a ways to survive around Gorn Yris is still // for a way to survive (or for ways to)
After some time Zoe, ran away from Frostford time, Zoe ran (2 times)
Zoe deceased and has been buried at homeland in Frostford buried in her homeland
Ayda returned to her work in Gorn, sending you letter of gratitude. a letter
Her assistant was exceptionally happy and continues to serve his master. her master.
in scripts/gallery
Contrary to that, she's pretty timid and suggest "Despite that" instead
Few authorities around The Order believe he might be a dangerous hostile. As it is, that sounds like they underestimate him and think he's no threat. If you mean that some people started to notice him and think he's a threat, I recommend "Some authorities" instead.
Description for AcidSpit 0.5.19d
Deals spell damage to single target enemy and recudes it's armor.
should be "reduces"
Flavor text for mindreading
Reading other person's thoughts hardly worth the effort: way too often they are just chaotic streams changing one after another. Netherless, you can grasp some understanding how others think by devoting your time to them.
func getobediencereplies(person):
$name seems to be in a melancholical mood
In jobs&, the bonus of the Nympho spec is described as follows: Sex actions take only half energy, + 2 mana from sex actions, + 25% to fucktoy, no penalties from any sex activities.
A slave working as fucktoy in Umbra, gets no bonus though. Nymphos get a nice +25% if they work as exotic whores in Winborn.
5.19d in scripts/dailyevents
After brief talk you realize that the young a brief talk
You spend couple of hours going through mansion's yard a couple // the mansion's yard
After it's over $name addresses to you. adresses you.
After spending some time exploring each other bodies each other's bodies
By the end of a date you have grown closer. of the date
You and $name spend some time having a pleasant conversion. conversation
you drag $name to the private room spending rest of the morning to a private room (more than 1 in the mansion)// the rest of the morning
and give $him long lustful kiss a long
You decide to keep eye on $him an eye
$he announce you that $he brought announces (or tells you)
You send $child to the city to try find $his relatives. to try finding or to try to find
at the brothel for last few days. for the last few days
he offers you hefty sum of gold a hefty sum
and ask $him if he wishes to leave your estate if $he wishes
and provide $him with miscarriage potion. with a
$He asks you to give $him couple of days away a couple of days
does not offer any visible hostility. suggest: does not show any visible hostility.
does not deserve any rest in first place in the first place
visited by an unknown man, who appears to be a fairly well-known official either he's famous or not, I suggest "visited by a fairly well-known official" instead
and proclaims that your person, $name that your slave
He demands compensation and your person to be properly disciplined. your slave
As official leaves you wondering how badly it gonna hurt your reputation As the official // you wonder how // it's gonna hurt
punish $him, but it is in his best interest in $his best
yesterday and according to few witnesses, to a few
and with help of Mage's Order you find $name with help from the Mage's order (or with the help of )
appointed headgirl, deciding $he should be able to take care of it. By the end of the day " missing end of sentence
pretty piece of jewelry possessed by strange trader by a strange
$he can take it easy for few days until for a few days
couldn't find much food in past few days. in the past few (or in the last few days)
being wooed over by few male teenagers. by a few
tell $name that you demand $him responds to $his admirers you demand $he responds (or you demand $him to respond)
life very complicated to the point, $2he's ready to became a slave very complicated, to the point // ready to become
You reject the $2child's offer telling that your current situation saying that (or telling $him that)
valuable pieces of clutter you have at your mansion. As you inspect it, apparently nothing really important was damaged, "clutter" doesn't sound precious, I suggest replacing with " valuable item" , " valuable piece of furniture" or something like that.
As $he quickly gets wetter what if it's a boy ? I recommend "gets aroused" instead
you decide to drop whole issue the whole issue