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Possessed Games

A member registered Dec 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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(8 edits)

I don't want to spoil the game for others & I want you to learn how pokemon functions.

Why I told about the starter is because it's about info that is really not written in the game for people to read.

The second pokemon has a posibility to be able to farm in it's first evolution & you will never have to give it exp / fight so it can stay in it's first evolution forever.

You know if that pokemon can farm money after catching them & it's not a move.

There are few Pokemon in the game

Read about their first evos you would easily know soon enough!

I know you can do it <3

(5 edits)

Grind for what? 


Would be available when higher lvled pokemon content comes out.

Money / Items:

There are minimum 2 pokemon since v 0.2  which helps you get unlimited money, items. 

1 of them is any of the starter evolutions & the other you have to research for. :p

From the guidence of the in game: npcs I don't think there is content atm for it in v 0.2

Amazing game!

If you think you are making fun of it then you are willing to risk having a 3rd person experience as the opposite is that.

If you want to see a random dude f-ing someone there are a lot of 3rd person games here.

Damn the gameplay is awesome!!! I get pop up windows everywhere and it covers my screen!

Great Work. Love the first person immersion. :)

(1 edit)

Ty For making this first person. 3rd person is bad for adult game as it can make people have issues irl with their sexuality <3 & it's more immersive in first person. Perfect choice! ^^