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A member registered Nov 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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I'm a godot dev, I have some experience, I'm quite good. I don't post my games.

Would like to pair with an artist to make sprites. Or even modelling.

I can do 2d and 3d. I can do everything that is not art nor music

add : PoussinW


I'm a godot dev, I have some experience, I'm quite good. I don't post my games.

Would like to pair with an artist to make sprites. Or even modelling.

I can do 2d and 3d. I can do everything that is not art nor music

The concept is really interesting, could have a way to get more rocks if for some reasons you don't have rocks anymore.

The controls are also interesting but I think instead of stopping right at the edge, It should just slow down when the tail get out of the box  and then move back to the edge.

The visuals is really cool.
Good game.

Hey, thanks for the review!
I had only a week to do it unfortunately.
And It should had like 3 bosses and the save&load for everything but I had a problem with the export and didn't had time to fix everything.
Thanks for playing!

Really interesting idea of exchange

Fast but really hypnotizing