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Power Waffle

A member registered Jan 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yeah, after seeing others play the game, we realized that the butcher is definitely the most confusing part. We'll clean this up if we continue working on it. Thanks for playing :)

Yeah! So funnily enough, we didn't realize it was possible to win the game that quickly before submitting. So if you were to start the game with low quality zombie meat, then the game would continue on. Just a small design flub on our end :) thanks for playing!

Yeah! Of course since this is a game jam we ran out of time so we didn't get to reconsider other game mode options/styles, but we feel an infinity mode definitely makes sense! Thanks for playing!

Thanks! It sounds like you found the twist ending :) Thanks for playing!

Thanks! Yeah the toughest part with this project was creating clarity in the game design without explaining every tiny detail. If we continue developing after the jam we'll do our best to rework it :)

Thanks! Yeah, conceptually we thought that we would want more ovens to cook at multiple times assuming meat takes multiple turns to cook, but it turned out to be unnecessary for this version and we ran out of time :)