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Pixel Perfect Studio

A member registered Dec 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

What is your construct release? And preferably, please feel free to reach out in my discord server for a more effective support.

Actually all the events are custom, that means you define what to send as an event. It's basically a string that's logged into your GA console. Later, you can build your own reports in the GA console and explore it in as many forms as you need.

The plugin is only for Construct 3. The setup is really easy, you just need the GA Id and that's it, you will be able to send events. The documentation can be found by clicking on the big yellow button that says "documentation" in the plugin page. Beware that if your GA property is new, the analytics data will take up to 48hrs to be reflected. GA won't reflect the events immediatelly, thats how GA works, but you can use the real-time dashboard in your GA console to see how's using your app at that time.

hi! make sure the plugin is enabled and running in a browser that supports web worker, those are the restrictions. If you'd like, you can contact me directly on my discord server

Thanks a lot for your feedback ! I'll be publishing more of my plugins soon, you can follow me on Twitter too.

lol nice... in case you are interested, my shaders offer a bit more customization. nice game btw!

for what I see, this was made using one of my C3 effects on sale. :) have fun.

Thanks a lot for your comments! I'm really glad you liked it! 

:D thanks for your purchase! 

I updated the demo so that you can play with the shadow. I also added the Gameboy Effect to test it out.

Sure, I'll add a wider tolerance in the demo to test the shadow distance, as you mentioned it has limits in the demo.

This is a lightweight effect, meant to be a hard shadow. I'll createa soft shadow in my next project. Softening the shadow demands a bit more GPU. 

Hi thegodo, the shadow effect can offset its shadow up to 256px away from the source, beyond that theshold the shadow will cut off. You can play test with the limits of the effect in the embeded example.

And about shadow scaling, currently is not supported. I'm evaluating new features for the effect. I'll consider your suggestion.

Thanks for your interest! 

Thanks iDev! I'm glad it resulted useful for you!

I'm really happy you liked it! :D 

thanks a lot! :D

Thanks dude!! :D

Yeah, I definitelly think I can add some more... but as players decreased, any changes I put there may just... fade.. :( Sharing the game is a way of supporting it. Let's wait also for the FFS jam to finish and see if I can get more players to play it. :D

thanks dude! There are plenty of options for the controls. I didn't created a customizable controls but you can try the 3 sets of keys for the keyboard, or button combinations if using a gamepad, I believe one should be able to fit. I'm asking player also if they want more of the game, leaving a like shows your support in case you are interested.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks dude! I do have more games, check them out! :D

thank you!

I got instant smiles on this! lol... nice blowy puzzle for a non-experienced guy, I may had killed myself all the game lol

If you played, please help me rating the game! You know gamedevs feeds on the likes and shares (when money isn't around or so)... JK... motivation is what I usually look for.

Thanks for the complements! I hope you can play all the 3 stages, is challenging as Mario Maker though ¿ 

thanks dude! And as hard as a mario maker level.. 😋

Oh I see... well, I had to add locks because some of my games got stolen and monetized in the past. So this version of the locks is still in Beta, but I just came up with a new logic for it. Removing the re-load btw... Thanks for your help!

hey thanks for the mention!! :D

oh!! so how did you have it blocked?  I'd like to know to consider that scenario.

forgot to mention that when I died and lost all my lives, I went to -1 life.

Nice platformer. I wish it had been a little more challenging. One thing, when you fall on the spikes and there's a jumping-spring, you can't get on the platform againg beacuse the spring blocks you. A way to indicate the progress would've been nice to have too. Music is cheesy and retro, nice work there.

Dude, you are a special case... I really don't know what's happening. If by any mean, you'd like to help more, with a video or something and a screenshot of your browsers console (F12 will open it) I'll appreciate it a lot to find out what's going on.

Awesome! Find the weird BDSM references lol.... 

Thanks! yeah... I may had spend more time on it but it wasn't "that serious" lol... so I wanted to put some things on the test. :D Thanks for playing!

Thank you! I hope you were able to see the 3 stages. :D

thank you! Have fun! ✌