First of i am sorry that you had problems with the game, but it was done in 48 hours as a gamejam contribution and was marked prototype.
Second of nobody forced you to play the game so this kind of response is unproductive and uncalled for.
Man level 7 is hard 31 enemies in that small level is just to much to handle. ;)
Great game tho, upgrades really impact you and give hard choices to make. You still don't want to take any upgrade that lowers your move speed.
Would have loved it if it was also playable with mouse, but the aiming is only done while shooting.
yea i kinda didn't had the time to implement some puzzle rooms, apart from the "dark" wall segments. Also little hint for that consider the room where you first find these blocks and compare it with the second time you find them maybe you can figure it out that way. I don't want to spoil it but the solution is a bit "masochisic".
Awsome Game, handles realy well and is tricky to hold the ball up i can make it consitently to like 20 second or so but than lose it. Hope you add some sound or change some assets post jam. Also nice of you to have a check that resets the ball when it gets stuck, and thats the only thing that bother me a bit cuz it is so easy to get it suck.
Very good game. It controles realy well done, even tho i think you can get a bit to fast for my liking.
Also i think i found a bug with the "All correct Shapes" star in the first level i collected all the shapes that where not red or a square and i still didnt got the star. Went for speed for the other 2 levels.