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A member registered Jan 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! I think with this one I let the scope get to big (especially since I hadn't touched Unity for a few months) which led to mechanics that worked but didn't work great 😅 The van controller and camera being prime examples of this!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for your feedback! 

Glad you enjoyed it! The plan was to add ragdoll physics to the pedestrians but I ran out of time 😅

Thanks! Aiming was an absolute pain to get to a barely useable standard 😂 But I'm glad you found it generally fun!

Thanks! I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Some sort of tutorial in-game will definitely be something I'll put more priority on next time round!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Lets just say that little bug feature is intended to add to the ridiculousness of it haha :D!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed playing it!

Thanks! A quick and simple game is exactly what I was going for this time round!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for your feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Its not your imagination, the number of passengers and their position are in fact random! Tuning things like that to make the difficulty more consistent is something I would have liked to have spent more time on.

Nice game! Really liked the art style! Reminds me of corpse party 

Really cool use of the theme! The game reminds me of the Pokémon games but with a 3v1 twist. Nice Job!

Thanks for your feedback!

This is a nice, cute game with solid mechanics and variance in levels! My only complaint would be that its a Christmas game in November haha! Good job!

Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it! There is a mechanic where the station assets spawn randomly which was originally intended to be far more noticeable  (and with more assets) but unfortunately, game jams being game jams, the biggest limitation was time

Thanks for your feedback! I would have loved to have included some sort of tutorial for this project but time and energy weren't on my side with this one aha...

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! Glad you liked it!

Yes each station generates a random amount of passengers 😄

Hi! I'm glad you enjoyed my game and thank you for the feedback 😄! You should be able to jump inside any carriage (including but not limited to the very first carriage) to be taken to the next station (if it's all working correctly of course 😅)

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the feedback 😄

Ah yes, I just found out yesterday you could do that but it was hard to replicate (hopefully it won't happen anymore once I post the updated version😅). Thanks for your feedback! 😄

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! It was a challenge trying to get a good balance between it being too easy and too hard

Thanks for the feedback! 

Thanks for the feedback! This was my first time properly attempting pixel art so I'm glad you found it cute 😄

Thanks for the feedback!

Ah yeah I tried to make the instructions appear as and when they're needed but I guess I should've made the controls in the description clearer and provided them all at the start of the game. Thanks for your feedback! 😄

Thanks! 😄

Thanks! 😄

Thanks for your feedback! 😄

Thanks for letting me know! 😄