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Priest Racoon

A member registered Jan 18, 2020

Recent community posts

Doing god's work

You guys are fast.

Look bud, I made an account just to tell you that you might be brain dead. You can change the controls in the configuration of the game. Your example of most games having small communities is wrong. That's like saying "Oh I'm new to Dark Souls I'm gonna go play *SMASH YOU'RE DEAD*" being repeated over 50 times, but you're still gonna play it because it's fun right? Now I am gonna agree with you that maybe an easier game mode might be nice for big newbies to parkour FPS's, parkour etc but what you're saying doesn't sound like feed back it sounds like you're complaining. This game is new and is obviously pretty bug fested. Like come on, that's like saying you're gonna polish a shoe that goes through a whole galaxy. It's impossible right? You polish the top but there's still gonna be bugs, you're not sending feedback instead you're turning information which can be used to give rightful opinions, suggestions and idea's and turning them into rude comments, complaining and total whining making your self look like a baby. Calm down and deal with peoples opinions and idea's because not everything needs to be turned into thou slammin oue head on self' keyboarde. That's your grammar by the way.