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Recent community posts
1. Right now there is no defined parameters for breeding. Just make sure you have enough space and food for them. The developers have said that they plan to change the breeding system as the current one is temporary.
2. Moss will be changed in later updated to be less annoying. along with seeds and other things. Also I believe they plan on adding attachments to rafts to prevent moss.
3. Weapons are current a work in progress and will also be updated. The same goes for armor.
4.Hammocks must be placed between two trees. You can press R to rotate the hammock if it won't appear. You need a space between the two trees as well. same goes for the Drying Rack
5. To change the focus on a floor you should press "tab". You always need to build the ladder first.
Also, to make using multiple floors easier there are several view modes. Press F10 to switch floor view mode.
There are four modes:
- Show all floors
- Show current floor only
- Show higher floors(including current floor)
- Show lower floors(including current floor).
If you need anything else feel free to ask.
[1] The developers have said that they plan to change the breeding system as the current one is temporary. But i agree that some general information would be an interesting idea.
[2] I like the idea of choosing whether my survivors breed or not.
[3] Right now the camera controls are WASD to more around and the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out.
You can press "tab' to focus on different floors
Press F10 to switch floor view mode.
There are four modes:
- Show all floors
- Show current floor only
- Show higher floors(including current floor)
- Show lower floors(including current floor).
The developers and also working on camera angles, They mentioned that they will try out a 3D camera version and see if it works.
[4] PVP or Coop sounds interesting and the idea has reached the developers already. Im not sure how easy or practical it would be to implement that tho. But for now I think they are working on core features first.
I like the cinematic in the beginning.
It looks like you changed the textures for some things like the wood and i love how it looks. Also the new sounds i hear are great.
New monster and the Hash weather should make it more challenging and fun too.
I think the rain collector should be able to full all 8 containers around it.
Looks Great and I look forward to when I can try it out for myself.
Was playing on hardcore and I noticed several things.
1. I think there should be a way to stop moss from growing. I made one walk ways but moss always grows on it and it gets annoying.
2. Moss spawning should be lowered. In the image below I just finished harvesting the entire left area of crop and before i was even finished moss grew.
3. Should be able to repair walls
4. I think that right now the regular walls are too strong. Maybe decrease their health by like 33% or something.
5. After a certain number of villages, they start taking longer to do tasks and want food and water more often.
6. Maybe a top view. if possible
7. Be able to zoom out more
Sorry for all the suggestions. I know you already have a lot to do but I love this game.
I love playing this game but i have a few suggestions that I think would make it better.
1. Make something to store wood.
2. Big storage box should store other things like feathers, cloth, bones and so on.
It gets a but annoying seeing all your items on the ground instead of inside containers. So a way to store every Item would be nice.
3. Make the ladder and pillar be able to hold 9 rafts on the second floor. That way making a second floor makes more sense.
4. Be able to build on the same raft as a pillar. Right now if you make a pillar you cant use the same raft again.
5. I dont know if its a bug or not but when i make weapons or clothes they disappear after a while.