Still glitched by the way lol. I don't know how to let Hyao know directly.
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Started reading this recently and I love it so far, Wallace is a great protagonist. His dynamic with Oscar is delightful; Wallace's shy, sweet, feminine, and sincere personality foils so well against Oscar and vice versa, absolutely peak romance, though the characters are very likeable in general. Also love the mystery of it all, and the psychological creepy stuff is pulled off nicely.
You can't do so yet. After you have a conversation with him on the elevator to the third level, it's implied that you'll likely need to know magic to get to him without him killing everyone in Akra, so you need to explore space until you find Harmonia and that's where the story continues (and where updates are currently at).
If I had to guess which stat you need, it's probably perception. I had like 6 or 8 perception and after a few tries I would get a successful roll, though I'm not sure if it's something you really need to pass.
I've been playing with the Patreon version so I think a lot of the quests I mentioned should be available now.
I haven't done much with melee combat (I was trying to go 100% magic but I had to spend a ton of stats on appearance to beat Arihama without anyone dying lol), but training with Feraldo is supposed to unlock a bunch of melee skills, if you haven't already done so. The best armor is still the dragon-y graul scale armor, the only other sets available are the default gear, lust gear, fancy attire, and the mage robe you can get from signing up to magic university. I usually bring my companions with me when I can, especially earlier on in the game.
The personality/job modules for "Chip" make him good at almost every Galactic Union quest. From there you just assign whoever is best to each job and try to get as high percent as you can, and weapons/armor can help too if needed. Most quests let you bring several people but I recall there was a tough one or two that only lets you bring one or two people, so the highest percentage you'll get there is probably like 50%~ or so.
Becoming Feraldo's "Omega" essentially just means becoming his submissive lover. Yeah I'd say he's a touch obsessive lol, but he also has a very sweet caring side that extends even beyond just the protagonist. You can see his sweeter side a lot more in several spots, like when he saves you (even if you reject him) if you lose your fights against Zyron (and others) while he's looking out for you at Akra, or during the conversation you can have with him about Katari and his jokes. Also if you spy with the cameras in the lunchroom, he has a conversation with Skru'vaks where he's specifically looking out for the protag. There are also glimpses to that side of him during the beach party on Sythyria, especially when he riles up a depressed Bradley with a rivalry to give his life purpose again. Sometimes it's subtle due to how he acts on the surface, but I actually think he's probably the most caring companion in the game, even Arthur finds him pleasant lol. I'm playing a female protag so m-preg doesn't quite apply to me, but either way I'm immediately having his babies whenever pregnancy becomes a thing lol.
Nope, the Remember quest can't be finished at the moment as far as I know. According to the dev, it sounds like genetic material can eventually be converted into stat points or something, but that isn't implemented currently (or anytime soon, judging by how slow the updates seem to be).
I'm not sure how to trigger the quests on Harmonia. Unless I'm mistaken, the vampire and goblin quests were available to me the moment I got there, and then shortly after, the "beast" quest somehow got unlocked, though all of them can only be done once. If you're wondering how to farm money on Harmonia, the best way at the moment is probably just repeatedly doing the 50/100 gold cup thing at the goblin camp (and potentially stealing from them each night), it resets every day and crossing the valley progresses time fast.
Rather than being rejected by Feraldo, I meant that the game assumes you've rejected him if you landed on Harmonia first without talking to him on Akra, though I'm pretty sure you can still accept being his omega if you go to Akra afterwards and have that conversation. If you accept his advances in regards to being his omega, then instead of the dialogue you got, you can either state that you're okay with him "knocking up" Gabriel or you can be jealous (which he likes, amusingly). It's clear that there's going to be a separate path where the protag could dominate him and become his alpha, though given his overall nature and the way he naturally expresses affection (loves protecting/caring for the protagonist, etc), being his omega sounds much more romantic than dominating him imo. :p
I was being mildly vague to be less spoiler-y about Feraldo but it's nothing major.
Edit: The vampire quest and potentially other stuff might only be available in the current patreon version btw (which I'm playing with).
Sure thing, there should probably be a warning of some kind. I'm a newer player but I noticed it when I went to straight to Harmonia and Feraldo was acting like I had rejected him there despite me picking everything I could have to simp for him up to that point, so I reloaded and held off on going there.
If you're asking where to start Feraldo's romance, I meant at the start of the second Akra questline (I'll edit my post to clarify). After beating the Warlord and going back to Akra, when you go back to your ship after landing, some dialogue will start with Feraldo and you can either accept or reject being his omega.
Constantly gambling 1000GC is the best way to get 1mil GC. Save when you get a good result and reload if you get nothing too many times in a row. I might be mistaken but I think the odds are very much in the player's favour.
Just a heads up for others, I highly recommend holding off on going to Harmonia until you've finished Akra's second set of quests (up to dealing with Newlife/Biotech, speaking on the third floor elevator, recruiting Zyron, etc). There is a fair bit of dialogue or options with certain crew members that you'll miss out on if you haven't done all of that at Akra, and the trigger for Feraldo's romance is at the start of that second Akra questline as well.
You can use a bunch of lures on certain enemies to put them in your dungeon, see this for the different kinds of lures on who you can use them on: