the sneak peak of the selfies look so good <3 very excited for the extended demo. you guys are working hard, good luck!!
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this was super cute!
angel my beloved, his dialogue was fun, had me both eyerolling, cringing and smiling. and the mc's thoughts were pretty funny too. I love the ui and the font, is extremely cute, very goof choice. ofc the restaurant bg and the sprites were beautiful too. really enjoyed all of angel's expressions, especially for his real form? so cute? i love him?? i will cook him the greatest meals i know and rip him out of that sweater..... omggg who said that
over all a very sweet bite sized (lol) vn!!
hello, I'm coming across a bug on Ronin's route. during month 6 in game when you don't know his name and are presented the choice to either call the cops or figure out his name again i get an error message:
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00action_other.rpy", line 586, in __call__
rv = self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "game/code/ui/screens/choice_screen.rpy", line 30, in select_chat_choice
File "game/code/chat_system/backend/chat_system_core_classes.rpy", line 247, in __call__
Exception: Cannot start an interaction in the middle of an interaction, without creating a new context.
ignoring it just puts me back at the choice menu from before with no way to move forward. aside from this, i've been enjoying the game, ronin my beloved <3
can't believe I forgot to comment on this game, but omg i love it.
it's obvious that a lot of thought went into the production side the vn, from all the bgs, how they move, all the different little assets, etc. and I just love seeing how it all came together. At some points the direction made me remember that why i loved playing vns so much, really interesting things can be done with the camera that enhance player experience. I also like the small interactive buttons you added, like the little kev on the side of the screen to show affection level, and the one scene where you could click on his belt. they're little things but they add so much, The explicit horror sections REALLY benefit from this. With more horror I feel like pacing isn't carried through well because people aren't utilizing enough tools (i.e camera movement and sound) but what you did in this vn did get my heart pumping.
moving on from the nerd talk, I love Kevin. Just plain an simple lol
he annoys me in a way that is endearing and makes me go "god ur so annoying, i want you". Really interested to learn more about his character, i keep up with the tumblr blog and the discord so i feel like i'm starting to put some things together but the whole picture isn't together yet. it's exciting.
Can't wait for the next update and to see what else you do with olie!
Suicide is always a tricky thing to handle in media, and I think the culture around the discussion of it is what makes it that way. There isn't really a way for someone to talk about being suicidal or having suicidal thoughts without others using institutionalization as a weapon. If conversations would be had more easily imo people would have higher standards for how the act of suicide is portrayed in media.
Its not easy knowing that you just don't care, even though you want to. It's not easy seeing how little accountability is held for writers/ artists portraying what it's like being suicidal. I did cry through the whole game because I was reading the thought process i been having snice i was in grade school, without getting to tmi lol, this game read like my thoughts.
The part where the narrator gets the brief drive to want to live, it hit hard. trying to grasp tightly to that feeling, so you can go on for a little bit more, before it slips away from you and you're right back to where you started, spiraling. It's rough. And I don't think it's a feeling that goes unexplored in lots of portrayals of suicidality . So many of us are searching and clinging onto reasons to live, and to leave the cycle of depressive thoughts behind
When the cg popped for his death came up in that game I was less shocked and more just disappointed with the presentation and confused at the writing decision . Narrative writers have control over the pacing and content of their stories, and his death was abrupt and in all honesty felt unneccasry to supporting the themes of the game. Care of the player was not in mind when that ending, or any of the endings tbh, were deveploed.
Anyways, thank you for making a game like this, reading it actually made me feel a bit better and more understood then i have in a while
Mostly copy and pasting my rating to the comments
Discussion of suicide and death starts near the middle of the comment/review
the presentation of the game is sleek and colorful. The art assets for this game are wonderful from the character art to the ui. However there are no "quality of life" features for players, i.e. a skip or save function making multiple playthroughs boring to get through. It's important to me as a player, especially when there are multiple endings, to have a save and loading function to cut out the tedium of rereading old dialogue/scenes back to back.
As for the content, the game suffers from a pacing issue. The progression felt very abrupt, and not in a way that made sense to the story but, as if there was very little meat besides the concept of the shocking ending, which I felt could have been foreshadowed better. The suicide aspects of the story were handled sloppily imo, and evident from all the other people commenting in shock it came as a surprise (not a twist) to them.
The fluffy parts with Zilas were cute tho a bit flat. The theme of streamers being human too could have been explored more thoroughly (and with more nuance) through that lense then the horror approach that was taken. If anything I feel the obvert horror aspects of the game is reductive, too in your face and distracted from the theming. The horror (of the situation and dynamic Zilas had to streaming and his fans) was implicit through the chat and dialogue and worked well when it was approached with a subtler touch
all and all i think the writing aspect of this game wasn't handled with care, for the character and most of all for the player. also why does this game not have an age rating?
kurou, my beloved, unfortunately.
the demo went by in a flash and it def left me wanting more! he is so annoying but in that way where you want to keep talking to him and want him to keep talking to you. I feel like it's easy to fumble that sorta dynamic but the way you written it here is done so well !! the player character is also being just as evil as kurou is extremely funny LOL like omg... hater x hater love is real.
the work and care that went into this demo is clear, you and everyone who contributed did great nukes!!