I think the guardians or the main dungeon bosses should level up and gain more scenes the more you feed them souls. Tho if you dont give the other girl's souls or time in the dungeon. Not only will they be weaker overtime but maybe even betray you! This will force you to put a more careful eye on how you use your souls over time. Perhaps a way to use souls to power up traps as well? Sorry if this has been suggested before or if its a bad idea.
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Alright, not going to lie. Downloaded this and saw the artwork thinking it wouldn't be any good. Well I ended up eating my words that's for sure! The story is funny and cute, the content is enjoyable, and I find myself waiting to see where this goes and grows. Good body types for the characters and the main romance paths, hoping there's more to come and perhaps a harem option at the end lol. Regardless tho, good game!
Have to say, I really enjoyed this! It has a lot of love put into it as you can tell from the boss fights, the gun ideas, its a real blast! While it isn't my top favorite of your games (a tie between SFOS & SFRPGE) it certainly is a keeper! Cant lie tho, would like to see a full body pics of the character in the....image gallery! Sorry, cant remember the proper name for it.