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Weird Dungeon Crawl

Be the Overlord! Crush intruders! Rise to greatness! · By Tapp


A topic by Tapp created Nov 13, 2022 Views: 3,402 Replies: 14
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I'm opening this thread for any passerby to drop suggestions for future content like traps and servants, different kinds of encounters, potential features, etc. If you'd like to see something in the Dungeon Crawler drop it here!

How about mimic's? Not sure what to do for them mechanically but it's sure to be fun!


That is a fun idea! I'll keep it in mind~


honestly, just more general traps as a hypnosis fan, i’d reccomend some more stuff revolving that, like maybe a hypnotic light trap or something but aside from that, really just more general traps/trap variety would be rad

another clinging type like mantrap pods, or maybe a couple interactions with the vore boss.


Loved the game <3 I'm curious if there are multiple endings or just the one (excluding game over). Does feeding them to Nuume vs a servant have any effect other than flavour text? 

Something that I'd love to see is female adventurers, though I know that's unlikely to happen. 

Possible traps that I think could work:

Slime door - hero has to wade through slime and if they take too long they dissolve inside (maybe it's a slime girl?)

Mimic - self explanatory

Maze - hero loses 1 morale for getting lost and is randomly sent back to one of the previous rooms.

smaller minions to fight the hero that get leveled up through sending them to nuume?


Servants gaining weight/power after absorbing heroes.


I would personally love to see a female servant who uses her breasts much like Vaal does her ass. She would work well with pitfall traps, providing a soft landing for the Hero in her cleavage, but like Vaal, would squeeze the Hero repeatedly to drain morale. And, also like Vaal, if you let her eat the Hero, her boobs would grow.

I also agree with the idea of servants becoming more capable the more they're fed, perhaps changing how some traps work. And as they level up, they get bigger.

Trap ideas include a liquid one for slipping, possibly falling into a previous trap. A sticky trap that makes the hero more vulnerable to your servant. And a net/web trap to also hinder the hero's movement.

Can there be scenes for certain traps, like tentacle traps involving the hero getting fucked by tentacles, and can there also be a tentacle girl servant?


android version?


well I've got a few suggestions

Your prob already planning on adding this but just in case I would suggest a lot more scenes with all the girls.

In terms of gameplay mechanics, I think a dart trap would make a good addition and maybe they have an option to laced with something from one of the girls.

An oil trap might also work, it could easily be paired with the fire trap which the hero will take more dmg or could give a boost to the tentacle trap making it so the hero will stay in it longer

maybe have a minion roaming the halls like a slime that could tie into another trap like the tentacle one, the slime could be similar to gas where it stays on you and adds dmg to other traps or could act as a possible mine where once the hero gets into a trap it activates in some way that will make the hero take more dmg or give them a stronger scent so it ties in with one of the girls 

A minion to reset a previous trap after the hero falls through the trap door

 a net or web trap could be used like gas so the hero takes more damage or make it harder for them to get out of other traps so they take more dmg or it could lead to special scenes with the girls where they find the hero and it leads to something else, and it could tie into the girl that deals with strings

In terms of new girls, someone mentioned a tentacle-based girl I agree with that idea, but I would like to suggest a more muscular girl and maybe a slime girl


Personally I think you could have it where if the adventurer wins you become the adventurer and you have to try to reclaim your position as the new ruler decides the traps and what girl to send so that there may be new visuals and you always have to watch out. additionally you could have a minigame to escape from each of the girls.

(1 edit) (+1)

I think I'd like to have some more content involving the tentacle trap. Maybe have them do some fetish material involving the hero being bound and at the mercy of one of the women.


I think the guardians or the main dungeon bosses should level up and gain more scenes the more you feed them souls. Tho if you dont give the other girl's souls or time in the dungeon. Not only will they be weaker overtime but maybe even betray you! This will force you to put a more careful eye on how you use your souls over time. Perhaps a way to use souls to power up traps as well? Sorry if this has been suggested before or if its a bad idea.