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A member registered Mar 27, 2023

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The Throne increases the amount of resources gained from sending out troops. the Barracks increases the amount of actions you have for every turn starting on the next turn after you buy the upgrade. The Mine and Farm give a little passive income of gold and food respectively and decrease the upkeep cost but aren't really worth as much to invest in compared to the Throne and Barracks. So you should focus on upgrading the Throne and Barracks and if you had extra gold after those are maxed you can invest in the Farm and Mine.

So what worked for me was to focus on leveling up the throne as that increased the resources gain and then getting a barracks upgrade when I could afford it. The mine and farm don't provide enough value compared to those 2 and can be put off until the Throne and Barracks are maxed. Also each location has a different focus explore is random, the swamp is food, the mountain is gold, and the forest is a little of both food and money.

the gameplay loop is to use a warrior or mage stone then go into the dungeon and fight the monsters in there until you get to pregnancy level 3 then give birth to increase your stats with the clinic giving the best boosts and then repeat until you are strong enough to win the rank up fight which requires you to be at pregnancy level 3. Take on quests to get more gold and then get info on enemies or buy better gear to make fights easier. However remember that you need 500 gold on top of a few other items to make more stones at the blacksmith.

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Tried version 1.13 and it works better but it softlocked when it tried to give me another girl after my party was at a full 4. It would not let me close the reward screen and so I could not keep playing and finish my run to see if I could get gold for buying things in the main menu.

Also as a side note it would be nice if we could see whatever girl was giving birth when receiving a new girl so it would be easier to see them at full size since you can quite easily miss seeing it while trying to survive against the waves.


There is no button to download or play on the page.

I don't see a way to play it currently.

Yeah I had to complete another run before it opened but I was at 11/10 before that run.

Based on the entries from last year I think it is allowed. https://itch.io/jam/preggo-game-jam/entries

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I will second the Save system being frustrating. Having only one slot is not fun when you want to try out another class for a little while and only saving at inns creates a real money gating problem where you need to pay to save and it is punishing when you are learning how combat works. It also makes it a pain for reviewing events. I will also point out that the Original Legend of Zelda had 3 save slots and most of those games you referenced had multiple save slots Except Pokemon but even in Pokemon you weren't locked into only using one starter there were ways to get the others and not locking you into a skill set. Also Pokemon let you save anywhere restricting Saves in the ways you have just feels arbitrarily limiting in a not fun way.

As for combat it currently feels like most of the equipment doesn't do much Cause right now it feels like the difference between the best sword an the worst is about 1 hit on most enemies. Armor also feels like a complete waste as the amount of damage I was taking as a base fighter with starter gear was about the same as a maxed out fighter which made combat really boring as the best strategy just involved sitting in tight hallways and waiting for the enemies to come to me as If i ran out there i would get surrounded and ripped to shreds regardless of my armor.

As for Quality of Life stuff it would be nice to be able to buy a home in every city or village considering that the high prices are deterrent to abusing that and there really seems to be no reason not to. It would also be nice to have a more reliable way to raise love points than just 2 at a time every night as that is just a real slow and boring grind since that seems to be the only real option to raise it. Also it would be nice for the candle to be automatically used in dark places as there is no real reason not to as there is no advantage to wandering around in the dark. it really should just be auto used like the hammer. It also would be nice to have some kind of hint system for where to go next even Zelda 1 and 2 had NPCs that pointed you in the direction of where you need to go  even if Zelda 1 did have the problem that bombable walls looked the same as every other wall and also the same for burnable bushes.

First, That is wrong NTR (or Neotare) involves Cheating and stealing someone already in a relationship aka a girlfriend or wife often using unscrupulous and destestable means like extortion or blackmail. It can also involve getting someone out of a bad relationship into a better one but this is usually referred to as reverse NTR. The Fat Bastard trope is optional but is used to hammer home how wrong the whole thing is. In general it is a massively polarizing fetish/trope and is widely hated but the are degenerates into pretty much everything. Personally I hate it, it is not a fun thing to deal with and it just makes you the bad guy or the Victim and neither is particularly fun in a low plot game. 

Second, don't lock things behind optional content flags unless you are really going to go hard into it. Mainly cause you don't want to spend time developing content that most players can/are going to just disable. It also sucks to miss out on gear and or abilities locked behind undesirable content.

Third while variety is important for kinks it is also important to avoid contentious content as just the presence of such content can drive players away. Granted there are a lot worse things out there than NTR but there is a lot of hate for it and it definitely needs some consideration on whether you want to include it or not.

Please post your thoughts, opinions, and experiences with this change here.