Hey dire, When you get a chance do you think you may beable to help? I thought I had it but I do not. Thanks
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lol beats me im curious aswell xD I discarded that project now and am working on the new one. The slicing itself is fast, its just when I move the output folder to my project it isn't. So, I'm a little confused- If I just paste the sprites into unity like you do in the video it does slice them, but they aren't nicely organized like they are in the output folder in mana tools. However, If I try and move my output folder it takes 4 hours to put in unity AND it makes moving around extremely slow. I'm not sure what the output folder is if I can't even use it for organization- Unless.. Is that output folder the files that WERENT needed? Maybe thats what my issue is LOL Edit* I decided to drag the output folder again, it took 20minutes to xfer and now it doesnt load slower. If anyone runs into this issue the only thing I did was remove Unitys version control.
Ok dire, I've started using assets in unison and have run into an issue that im not sure is my side or something I did wrong. I have your sprite slicer and I followed instructions for that(kinda) I import the sprite importer and the sprite importer settings to my project- Then I put all my character sheet stuff in the "input" folder, I then dbl clicked process_textures,noticed not everything got sliced so then did "process_all_textures" and manually dragged that output folder or folders rather, to my project. It took 4 hours to import,and now its taking me over an hour to drag or open a folder to set up my paperdoll. Am I missing something? Are your instructions on the slicer not updated? Thanks