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A member registered Feb 04, 2016

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Hey, thanks so much! Just got back on itch so I really appreciate it :) You guys rock

Thank you for responding! Looking forward to it! :)

Hi, I really want to play the demo, but I can't seem to access it? I'm using a Mac and when I click on the application, it says Microsoft does not support Mac. Let me know what I can do! I'm really excited for this game. :(

I can't wait for this!!! :)

I love this game so much! I really ship Noelle and Akarsha due to how different they are, but for some reason, I can't help but think they would be adorable together. Loved this so much!!! Please continue making games, and the artwork was adorable!!

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I liked this game so much, it was so cute! I loved how the hand cursor was unexpected, that was a really cool touch to it. Wish it was longer, but that's only because I want there to be a longer storyline. For what you were trying to accomplish (a date), it was excellent! Great artwork and dialogue too. 

Glad to hear you guys are staying busy (haha, just a joke, make sure to get some rest!!)!! Can't wait for the finished product because the first half was phenomenal, so the second will be incredible, no doubt about that in my mind. Your new project looks really cool too, I'll have to make sure I check that out! Keep up the good work and don't worry about TODO, you've got so many fans who are hooked (like myself) and will wait patiently for the finished work. 

-A big fan :)

omgg, how did you get that emoji?! :))

this is so pure :)

this is so fun! Can't wait to see where this goes :)

I may or may not have stayed up until 2 AM playing this and I cried so much.  Thanks for moving me.. :')

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I've been following this game for a while now, I don't quite remember when I downloaded the demo... But I have to say that what you've done is outstanding! I've never played Danganropa or  Zero Escape series (which I should check out), but I really like the courtable and main character gender options! As a gay female, it can be quite hard to find games that have a good storyline and a few options for the romance interests, along with a preferred gender. I think you're going to get so much more success for adding those two things to the game, and I really do appreciate it! I know you didn't do it for me, obviously, but on behalf of all the people out there who wanted some more representation and a kick ass story, we thank you and can't wait for the release!!

Keep working hard, (and I'll be here until the finish product since I've been waiting for about a year, and I'm stoked you didn't abandon the project) !!! 

This is so awesome, can't wait for the finished project! My lesbian heart supports this all the way, bless this!!

I love this game so much, great job guys:)

can't wait to follow you on your journey for what else is in store!

does this offer a girl route?

Is there a girl route for this?

This is awesome; when is the full release though?? :((

pleaseee i gotta knowww