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(1 edit)


I've been following this game for a while now, I don't quite remember when I downloaded the demo... But I have to say that what you've done is outstanding! I've never played Danganropa or  Zero Escape series (which I should check out), but I really like the courtable and main character gender options! As a gay female, it can be quite hard to find games that have a good storyline and a few options for the romance interests, along with a preferred gender. I think you're going to get so much more success for adding those two things to the game, and I really do appreciate it! I know you didn't do it for me, obviously, but on behalf of all the people out there who wanted some more representation and a kick ass story, we thank you and can't wait for the release!!

Keep working hard, (and I'll be here until the finish product since I've been waiting for about a year, and I'm stoked you didn't abandon the project) !!! 


Thank you so much for your kind comments!

I am super happy that you enjoy the inclusion of different sexual preferences. I wanted to make it available in the game (as both the player character and the NPC's) but I didn't want it to be what made the game, I wanted it to compliment it :) So thank you for being excited and still waiting! I am sorry its being delayed but I hope you will love it when it comes out <3