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A member registered Apr 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing the game as well as the feedback! I do think adding more enemies would be good but I wanted the new levels there as that's kind of what made it the whole "Death is only the beginning".  The time constraints definitely made it so the levels weren't as varied as I would have liked though for sure.

Thanks for trying it out! I did want to add an automatic weapon, a rocket launcher, and make the single fire one like penetrate enemies but ran out of time sadly.

That's interesting. I know I for got to add a timer to that level but it loaded properly when I uploaded it. I'll have to give it a look and see. Thanks for letting me know!

I did use Cinemachine, but I'll see about adding these values to smooth things out :D Thanks for the feedback! :)

I really enjoyed playing this.  My only big issue is the controls. They were really difficult for me to get the hang of. The first jump was hard until I figured out I could use the dash to get across. Overall though, I think it's really well done and I love the sound effects and art :D

Do you know why it didn't run properly? Is it something that I need to fix?

Thank you for the feedback! My inspiration for the level was Mario so that's why the pits would make you restart, but since you had to fight the skeletons I wanted a health system. Yeah the down slopes I would like to fix, and I hope to be able to build on this for my next platformer. :) Yeah I agree the wall jumping isn't built right for the level, but it technically was a bug that I decided to leave in for the fun of it so the level wasn't originally built to use it, but I added extra paths that required you to use the wall jump and velocity of slopes to reach them, so as to help make them more of feature, but I definitely understand what you are saying that they would work better for a vertical level. Thank you again for trying the game and for the feedback! :D

Thank you very much! I will definitely look into your suggestions :)

Thank you very much! Yeah I think I need to increase the attack speed of the player. I think there's an attack key on the keyboard but I dunno what it is. I used Unity's input management system so attack is link to Fire 1.

Thanks for the feedback! :)

My idea for how it was incongruous was this: In this game, you are a knight attempting to reach the castle in your happy little world. But things seem to be wrong, Skeletons are ambling around screaming out of tune, and your jump power is way to much for a Knight.

Yeah this was my first player controller I've ever done and I kind of had to come up with my own as the tutorials I watched online didn't do well enough sadly :/ Yeah I want to fix the enemy attack, but because I didn't really know how to so I made it so he wouldn't attack from behind, so you could do like a sneak attack.

I didn't really know where to find music so I found one on the unity asset store that felt like a good platformerish tune that's happy.

Again, thank you for the feedback and I think I'm going to incorporate these things into the game :D

Well done! I would suggest adding a UI to show your health and a coin counter. Otherwise I think it's really well designed!

No problem! And if you plan to continue updating this, I would be happy to continue to provide feedback :)

Thank you very much for the feedback :) Yeah the skeleton AI seems to be the biggest issue everyone is having :/ Sadly I'm inexperienced in AI systems so this is one of my first. As I was running out of time I decided to remove the ability for the Skeleton to attack what is behind it so you could sneak attack it basically. As this seems to be something people are enjoying, I may add to it after the game jam and of course work on the enemy AI

Fun game and really great job on the graphics! I love the beacons and the glow they give. I would suggest removing the sliding, as this made it very difficult to get across the level, and make the moving platforms come back to their original position as I kept having to restart because the platforms wouldn't come back. Finally, I would suggest removing the mouse from the screen and centering the look motion as my mouse kept reaching the edge and I'd have to pause it to recenter the mouse. All in all though, well done! :)

Ah I see. Well good job and keep up the great work!

Ah yeah time can make things difficult. Well good job none the less! :)

Thank you so much :) Yeah it was actually a bug at first but when I was using it I found it oddly satisfying as well, so it stuck around XD

Great job! I really like how you incorporated an inventory and items into your platformer! 

This game seems cool. But Could you add a .zip version so I can run it?

Well done! I kept getting stuck on the side of obstacles though. I dunno if that was intended.

Thank you very much :) That bug you screenshoted is due to my AI, and I don't really know how to fix it due to my little knowledge of AI. I'm hoping that next time, I will know a little more, and can avoid having that bug :) Thank you for the feedback

I really enjoyed this game! My only suggestion is to change the controls to use a and d to move left and right, space to jump and maybe w to clone. I dunno exactly but the arrows can get really annoying to use XD Good job nonetheless!

This game is awesome! Some music would really be nice though :)

Great game! I really enjoyed it and would suggest you turn this into a full-fledged game! :) I got stuck on the "freeze the spiny flower" part but I hope to be able to beat this eventually! XD

This is a super cool concept! It is super difficult to play though. After I play through all the submissions I will definitely be coming back to try and and get farther ;) Good Job!

Nice job :) The controls were just much to difficult to get the hang of though. I would suggest switching how that works to make the game easier to understand.