thank you for playing our game! the platforming controller definitely needs some work, and we did have a lot of trouble making it smoother and consistent. The easier way to make it to the next level currently is jump off that platform closest to the finish point on the north side.
Qianrui (Leo) Li Digital Art
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hello, sorry for the inconvenience, i don't know why the link is getting removed again. But I have now uploaded it to one drive, hopefully this one stays put lol.
First of all awsome pixel art style, sound effects. I do like the mechanics of using darkness to sneak up on your opponents, but sometimes it gets harder to find my own player in the shadows. I get the little dust effects are indicators on where your players are, but still a bit counter intuitive since there are also the same random dust effects all over the map. Also... I need more friends to play this game *Sad pepe face*. Overall, it is a cute pvp game, hopefully you guys can expand on it further, this definitely has a lot of potential for an online pvp mode with like 8-10 ppl in one map, building bases and battle royale style.
Omg it reminded me so much of stanley parable, the voice actor was amazing as well. Half the time I'm just waiting for a jump scare cuz the room was so dark. The low fov actually contributed to the tension since i can't see everything around me. However, the low fov does cause some motion sickness, so its better if you can increased it a bit. also the control sensitivity is quiet high as well. Overall very spooky game :D