Amazing and underrated game! Controls felt very fluid, visuals are charming, and the gun effect customization was impressive (although I didn't notice I had to equip the effects until the third boss), and each of the bosses were very unique. Almost beat the game but it unfortunately crashed after I lost to the final boss.
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Pretty fun, won first try using 3 letter word, noun, vowel build. One annoying thing is that if I didn't buy the letters in the store, the next time I was in the store it would always be the same letters. So I just had K and Q in my store the whole game because I never felt the need to take them. Especially since such OP cards like the Watermelon and Funnel exist.
Just released a post-jam version that's ACTUALLY playable! Can be found here:
I've got a pretty barebones Furious Fish modding discord created! Join here if you are interested in modding or would like to help out with the server:
Before you play this...
To be honest, the game in its current state is a buggy mess. The pickpocketing breaks after you enter the tent once, the collider that's meant to detect if the paw hits the pocket collides with the player, etc.
So, sorry! I'm planning on fixing all of the bugs, adding all of my planned items, making it so you can actually win and lose, and much more after the jam.