oh i thought the first one was intentional lol
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i highly doubt any tic-80 game will surpass this for me!
i tried this a few times but accidentally paused which brought me to the console and i couldn't figure out how to get out, so i quit. this happened for TWO YEARS because this is clearly an autumn game for me. i finally cleared it with double jump, both endings, one with all bones.
so impressed by how gorgeous this game is. it does not feel like this should be possible with the tic80! the sound and music are great, too! the puzzle design is fun, and the platforming is pretty good... just... i think that a couple times i played at a lower framerate and some jumps at the penultimate section were actually impossible, lol. but yeah, amazing game!!
it's funny, after i turned off my computer i thought the solution would be.. just what you said! i appreciate the hint.
i wanted to wait until i was finished to say... this is by far my favourite doom mod i've ever played! it's so fun and imaginative. i love love love the regular evil doom so much, but sometimes it's great to go outside of that. i cannot thank you enough for this incredible work!!! easy 10/10 for me. i'm tempted to play 2 and 3 right away but i really want to savour them and spread them out.