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MC Protagonist

A member registered Aug 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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There is something deeply wrong with every character in this game and I love it

I cried, I really love this game so much ;-;

You're right, I added a vowel to my name and the error no longer shows up. Thank you for your help!

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I just started James' route and I'm getting this error: "Cannot read property 'length' of null". I'm on Mac by the way, I download the game through the app

So far the only option to download is for windows. In the future will Tailor Tales Plus be available for Mac?

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Is there any way to access the CGs outside of replaying the story?

Just played Paris and Raphael's route, love it. Raphael is best boy and I will ship Ash and him together until I die

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On Mac:

1. Download the DLCs and extract the contents, on Mac it does it automatically, so you should end up with two folders: one called step 1 and another called step 2. Open step 1 (or 2) and copy the contents.

2. Right click the Our Life application and select the "Show package contents" option,  the computer will then open a new window with a folder called "contents" . Open it and you will then see 2 folders and a .plist file.

3. Open the Resources folder, and within that open the autorun folder

4. Inside the autorun folder you will see a game folder, open it and paste what you copied in step 1 into the game folder

I don't have a windows but I assume it would be a similar process of copying the items from the DLC folders and looking for the game folder