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A member registered Mar 26, 2024

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hm aren't we getting 6 daily and for Mercs i only use them for money and i have alot of money so ORC attacks aren't a problem because i always have all siegeweapons built with max ammunition. i am the game is not ready yet i know but when the last army came i had sooo muc more soldiers i needed ...

tbh in my eyes the mercanaries are very strong don't forget that you also have bought their SOLDIERS on top so i the end you get he soldiers for free with some benefits.

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- Spoiler alart  - 

Thanks alot cannot wait to see final version like OPEN Forest, Visiting Dwarves and Elves and stuff like this. One idea perhaps,

Could we add Strangers visiting the Tavern from day to day just giving you small events/Benefits/scenes stuff like this? (i guess more something for the future) Because otherwise as for me buying the Merchants day one (what is in my eyes one of the best starts into the game :P) The Tavern is irrelevant for the total rest of the game. just having some strangers coming by  from time to time story line could give you info (Charisma respect, ressources or scenes. Perhaps a "special guest that you can chat with and some options lead to better relationships). (faster of course then your normal female character). I thought of Sam or John ( damn i forgot his name --> the new future hire of clover castle :P) he could be there for example everyday giving you the chance to drink and eat with him (50g) and get +1 respect  and +1 charisma with -2 energy

Just some examples to get the Tavern roling ^^

Perfect that's what i hoped :P

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Ok perfect, one idea and i saw other recommended it also for Hudson, can we have 2 ways for him? --> one would be also to see in your home when he has solved a prob OR give something in addition to not waste visiting hm, like getting 1 soldier for some gold and food for example ! Or he can also give us sanity or respect or charisma. Just that it' is not a waste of energy to visit him XD And a lvl status behind the names in the sheet for incomes would be nice. Then you see which upgrades are maximized (i mean i am writing it down on paper :P but that could be a minor change that just gives a more smoothing game experience ^^

Omg i have the feeling not having the latest version XD - to be honest on day 29 i had like 600G and 900 Food that i couldn'T spend... 

The mercaneries have to be bought on day one ! And after that you get an extra 150g every day! for the beginning just doing mission, food can be gotten easy with Mollie annie and upgrades because honestly.... you don't need it to be spent anywhere (That could be changed btw). A lot of stuff that where talken about seemed to be allready implimented? i mean with the energy pills you could normaly just hae the most girls on horny/Slut lvl ^^ Can't wait for 0.35

Again so far so good :) the mercaneries are a bit strong relating to money :P but sounds good, and i see a lot of options here coming with visiting your allies the forest, Slave trading and perhaps even more sidequests (i have seen 2 so far right)? Do you know when you would have the next update ready?

Perfect sounds good :)

I just looked into the beginning have met everyone in the cty and could now go and use energy, one thing i saw is.. Just visiting and see option directly costs energy, is it possible to place a pre step so that just visiting a house doesn't cost me energy? only doing a task in that house? I see that i have much more optiones now :) that will take some gambling what i will do (i like it).

Awesome directly bought it with a small extra tip, can'T wait to test it!

Very well done ! can'T wait for the second chapter it's not done yet right? But story was good, graphic was good you had different choices, i have seen much crapiers games for more money that was more than worth the money !!