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A member registered Jan 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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I like the story I would love to have more romanceable character such as James it would be nice if you can romance him somehow. Looking forward for more!

I like about the story if the story could be more "Choose the path" more than just reading story. It would be nice and very fun to read more. look forward for more!

It's a very fun game for sure in the next update I hope you have an instruction on the control please when i first play idk what button to attack lol. In the dungeon is bugging for me a little that i have to get out and comeback to open the slime boss door. oh and if you could explain about how to use the punch that character get when he got it would be nice i think some people like me would not know all the control when you didn't told them about it. Looking forward for more update!

It a really nice game and story it hilarious that character made break forth wall joke and this the thing that different between ToS and this game coz this game is kinda chill, cute story and cg it would be more good if you update the hide textbox button for android (I'm kinda guy who like to capture the game cg) I love your game 💖💖

I have 2 Suggestion for android user

1. I kinda have trouble about skip button it sometime appear and dissapear oh and make the option that can skip the same dialogue that player have seen or play on another save and back button i think i would be more nice to press back in the fight to coz sometime player (like me) want to get the cg/lewd story

2. If u gonna have full nsfw in future i think the hide chatbox is rly nice to have one too 

Very nice gameplay waiting for more update!! it will be nice if it has more than just a orc and the orc talking is rly confuse me coz it has the same portrait i suggested the last boss is demon lord or something higher than that oh and make is reverseable for every boss is very nice too love ur game!

I kinda like a new story but is very confusing with the rest after u find the hot spring and then it jump to the main route of the character u choose at the first game it kinda make me confused about that but i kinda hope for more the love interest story is nice dont change it. Maybe u can focus on 1 character story per month coz u have too much character too but idm every story its nice. Waiting for more update tho~

I'm really excited about this game. The game is too much fun the sprite is very nice (rylan is handsome). Looking for more update in the future~

As i play so far it rly nice story (especially lars and parker) i kinda lost to find parker gallery cg i wanna know where to get.  And i loving ur game tho looking for more in the future 💖

Good stories so far but it so bad that has to be cliffhanger. I wanna know next part of that stories looking forward of your work! 💖

Rly good game! The character is really nice i like jeffrey route he's cute and idk how to get amok and bennett on first chapter 😅 (Waiting for more)

Good stories 😍 especially Seth i love his story the most. And i can see some of the word are writing it wrong like vanilla you write vinilla (in the ice-cream select section at day 8 i think) love ur game and waiting for more 🥰 

thx for creating game like this. It's look a lil bit scary some of the cg but overall is good. I love the ekram scene becuz it's the only s*x animation lolz waiting for more 💖

Another good game from you thx for creating this 🥰

I love this game stories. First time I see this game I think It's gonna be bloody in the doom scene. So I just overthinking lol and i want to know how can I hug sal because I play almost everyway. I can but he push me away thanks for making this game 💖

(2 edits)

Sry for that i just complimenting you work and a little bit of misunderstanding in spencer route so I got a walkthough. It's a little awkward for me. Sry for make you misunderstanding. Love your game 💖💖

Cute artwork. I like the style that look like you cut the art from the paper it's nice. Love the way that it's have a timestamp in game that look like the checkpoint. Is in the future gonna have anything like save file or something nsfw lol. Keep doing it!💖💖 Oh before i forget can you repair the UI below while playing.

I think it too small for me Thx for creating game.

The story is cool the artwork is cute. I waiting for more in future. I love the story of Seth. He's like born for the protagonist. The language you use it's can be understand even i'm a foreinger so i can understand that no offense. I wish in the future there is gonna be a little nsfw artwork in this game? Thx for making a good game for a gamer like me to play. 

(3 edits)

I like the way you censored those Copyright thingy. But in my opinion you should make a censors for swear in the preference and i love your Characters sprites . Jayce looks cute and the story looks so real. I think i came over this before. Keep Fighting! (Did i use the right word lol) 😆😆😆

(2 edits)

Oh gosh!!! This is so awesome this is the first game that pull my tears out of my eyes. I wish you make a future stories of them i wish i will play them. This is a masterpiece! I'm so into this game i dunno how to say this. I love the artwork the story everything. 💖

Your Artwork is so cute. I like the way Angus act to the Welkins it's look so cute. If Full games coming I will play his route on first play.