Tell me your thoughts about the game.
It took me a while to realize that calling your coworkers is only possible after you "finish" their route, because in my mind unlocking the ability to call them is part of their route, not something done after it. It would probably be good to make that a little more obvious. Maybe instead of saying it's the end of their route, say something about knowing them well enough to talk to them outside of work? Not necessarily with those exact words, but something that gets the idea across better than just saying it's the end of their route.
on the new version the only thing i would change is the UI maybe instead of the words turning the color of someone talking the sentence panel should change color it's very hard to read as is. And especially on Android the menu UI is very small and save page is way to small needs to be made exceptionally bigger.
It looks like you got things back on track, which is nice. I'd suggest putting more into the story. Maybe focus on one of the characters a month. But not rewriting their whole story. Stick with what you got and go from there. Its good so far. There is one bug every time you "service someone" other than that its good. Also, the one with the monkey (can't think of his name atm) when you do room service, it actually skips straight to his room and his fun bit. Thanks again.
I kinda like a new story but is very confusing with the rest after u find the hot spring and then it jump to the main route of the character u choose at the first game it kinda make me confused about that but i kinda hope for more the love interest story is nice dont change it. Maybe u can focus on 1 character story per month coz u have too much character too but idm every story its nice. Waiting for more update tho~
I am really confused, if we own the deed to the place, and its shown as legal, why are we all of a sudden working for the bull instead of him working for us? doing his route he threatens to put us on the street and we act like he has any power over us, including paying us when we should be in charge, did something happen that i missed with the ownership of the hot springs or is this just something that was fluff text.