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Saw your comment about the farm plot getting too big and going outside the fence. Should be fixed in the patch I just pushed!

The two farm plots still overlap, but I'll fix that when I restructure the base in an upcoming path.

I also heavily improved the game's performance, there should be much less lag in the late game!

Wow, thank you so much for the in depth response and feedback. I can't express how valuable input like this is.

We'll be putting out a patch tonight to address points 1 & 3. To compensate for the farm plot getting capped in size, we're adding a growth rate upgrade to improve the yield.

2 is a great point. Protecting non-combat units is essential, especially if we plan to expand out-of-base operations. We definitely want to move towards players having more agency over units, without it getting too deep in micro-management.

4, like you mentioned, is vital. Our early days here on itch have proved to us that the general flow is enjoyable. Now it's on us to make sure the experience has long-term motivation and engagement.  We're open to all sorts of ideas on this topic. Death by boredom is the last thing we want lol.

Thanks again for your feedback and support.

Oof okay, this is our highest priority. We'd also love to make it more varied in the late-game as well.

Thanks for trying it out, very glad to hear you enjoy it so far. It'll only get better from here.

Thank you so much for trying the game and leaving some feedback!

I just pushed a patch that should address most of your concerns. There are a few tutorial quests, the player can no longer damage sheep, and the "RETRY" bug is fixed.

I totally agree that it can feel very rushed in the beginning when there's not much time to explore the base and purchase units & upgrades. Safe days are a great idea! I'll look into adding something like this, along with more activities for the player to do during peaceful moments.

I removed the sheep damage, but as of right now, the rope colliding with monsters is intended for some added challenge, but we are open to changing this.

The game will definitely be on Steam once we add some more features, fixes, and polish. Language support as well.

Thanks again for trying our game, we hope you enjoy the updates to come!