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A member registered Mar 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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Одна из лучших с джема. Очень понравился райтинг, отличное качество текста. Удивительно, как игре удается удерживать интерес столь малыми средствами.

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Я продал душу, чтобы пройти эту игру.
Оно того стоило.

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I've already lost mine. Where is my item?

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I'm not a shmup pro, just an amateur player, but here's what I think:

- Presentation is obviously excellent, one of the most beautiful indie games I've ever seen.
- Overall movement, collisions and controls feel really strong.
- Bullets are clearly visible.
- As some other users have stated, the chaining system is too forgiving right now.
- Rank system works fine, as far as I can tell. On my second playthrough I got hit more times, but also received more health bonuses, and the boss patterns were much more intense.
- I'd like to have an alternate slow-mode control scheme, Cave-style, where the ship moves fast while tapping the fire button and slow while holding it down. I think it's more conventional for shmups to be this way.  Four buttons is a lot, and to reduce the number of buttons used is always a good thing. Also, holding or tapping Shift key activates Sticky Keys Mode in Windows, which is annoying.
- If you're planning to use this boss fight as a Stage 1 boss, then I think it lasts too long. First stages in shmups tend to be fast and short in general, because of their introductory nature. Judging by the length of a boss fight, it seems to me more like Stage 3 boss or so.

Overall, great job! I will keep a close eye on this project's development.
Of course, don't take my comments as something decisive. You know what to do much better than me.
Good luck!

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Super cool game, such a genius idea.

Yay! Can't wait for a full version!

That's weird, I'll check it later.

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No, it's not supposed to be like that.
Are you referencing the web version?

I'm glad you liked the game, thank you for kind words!

To be honest, I don't see anything in common between Celeste and this game :D.

If you're interested in finding all the secret rooms, the ReadMe file contains an explanation.

Игра абсолютно гениальная, невозможно оторваться.

А кто-нибудь вообще смог сделать последний фрукт? 

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Лучшая игра на джеме, на мой взгляд, очень круто

Очень хорошая игра, мама-мышь напомнила мою маму :3

Good game!