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Rainchaser - [Demo]

A vertical scrolling shoot'em up · By kornodd

Demo Feedback

A topic by kornodd created Aug 30, 2024 Views: 769 Replies: 22
Viewing posts 1 to 14

If you have any thoughts to share on the demo feel free to post it here!


For Feedback:
As of recently, I have just started with the bullet hell genre, specifically Ikaruga. As a fan of both Ikaruga, ZeroRanger and Ime44, This game for me is a stellar masterpiece of a gem in both feel, visuals and gameplay loop. I genuinely let out a sigh of relief, seeing that I was able to do the boss of the demo from chapter select. Continues put you back at a checkpoint, so that you can retry, and master enemy paterns with more ease than ever before. The dialogue and characters are charming, the color scheme fits with the setting, Enemy placements and bullet patterns feel good to learn, and I could go on and on about how much I adore this game.
You´ve truly done something amazing. I only made this account, just to write feedback.
If I had to say any issues, After exhausting all dialogue in the break room, I was soft-locked and couldn´t go out, and had to quit the game. I also found myself using the blades not that much, but this is solely a nitpick.
In other words, It´s a 10/10 game AND Experience, and I am giddy to see even more.
Until next time, I will be mastering Stage 1. Blast on!

hey, i was able to exit the break room by holding fire 2 for a bit. A bar at the bottom fills up until it's held for long enough. not sure if you tried that but it may just be a communications issue


Thank you and congrats for releasing the demo!

I fell in love with the colors and the soundtrack. The cinematic opening is incredible, and I replayed it a few times already just to experience it again.

The color palette used reminded me a lot of Rusted Moss: it makes me think of abandoned and advanced technology and civilization mixed with magic and nature.

The stage isn’t too hard or too easy and the pattern are quite memorable and gives depth to the boss as a character, especially the wing flapping and the swarm attacks.

The story is intriguing and I want to know more about the characters!

Also the game runs perfectly on linux!

As for what I think could be improved:

  • The main font used is a bit blurry, which may be a bit hard to read on some occasions:
  • The flashing/blinking effect when damaging an enemy feels weak. Sometimes I was wondering if an enemy was invincible or not during certain phases, and I don’t feel like I’m doing great damages to enemies who don’t die with the first hit.

I’m really looking forward to playing the full game!


Thanks for the fun demo. The music and visuals are fantastic (particularly the intro cutscene!), and the gameplay is solid. I also really respect the difficulty, it took me a few hours to beat the demo without using a continue, and the gameplay was engaging throughout that time. Like another commenter, I played this on Linux instead of Windows and it ran flawlessly. I found that the backshot powerup was really fun and I preferred it to the saw. I noticed that if you kill the miniboss that drops the saw powerup, the powerup stays onscreen until you pick it up, but if you let the miniboss live, the powerup does go away after a little time. Is this intentional? I kept letting that one live so I could keep the backshot lol. Again, great work and I am looking forward to the full release!


Glad that it works well on Linux! Also I'm not sure how clear it is, but both the saw and backshot are available, it's just that the saw requires you holding both buttons, and backshot requires holding a single alt.shot button. 


While I haven't quite beaten everything the demo has to offer quite yet, I am extremely delighted with the game insofar. The aesthetics, the banter between the characters so far. I love how easy it was made clear that "this object is a bullet" for very clear and concise patterns that most folk should make out (however I cannot speak to colorblindness as I am unfortunately lacking in experience for such accessibility needs). The controls are surprisingly more complex and yet really simple at the same time with mixing the buttons to access your secondary or tertiary shot and am curious to see how this fleshes out in the remainder of the game.
The music and art direction is gorgeous and I'm definitely eager to learn more about this world, the characters, and our protagonist's role in the grand plot.
I think the only "issue"  I've noticed, which could also be a problem with configurations of some sort, is that the itch version of the demo does not detect my Dualshock 4 at all, even when ensuring and running it without steam being online or active at all. Steam version works as is. Just something of note.

I look forward to the full release as well as buying a copy for myself and for as many friends I can share this with!


Thank you for the feedback! Unfortunately I'm not sure how to make the dualshock support work as seamlessly as on steam, seems like it handles that better there due to its api. I used ds4windows when testing the game myself.

I'll be honest, I totally forgot ds4windows even existed, it'd been so long since I had ever thought about it with pretty much every game aside from a few smaller indie titles had worked  regardless, I thought there was some kind of breakthrough that I didn't hear about or something. Good reminder that it exists still!
All that aside, still a lovely demo, I'll be playing until I can comfortably 1cc the whole stage haha

(1 edit) (+1)

The spritework, music, and art are all amazing! As someone fairly new to the shmup genre (having only really played ZeroRanger, Ikaruga, etc.), I found the attacks well telegraphed and fun to learn, good pacing for a first stage. I particularly liked Violette's '2nd partition' attack with the lasers and encircling runes - it was simple to learn, but fun to dodge. Definitely looking forwards to picking this up with its full release.

(also, certainly looking forwards to what the subtitle under the title could be hinting towards, for those in the know...)

Привет корнод

I liked the concept. The demo stage is a bit long for my taste, but it's a good showcase of the mechanics and ideas, so it does ultimately work. Enemy designs remind me of ChoRenSha. Lasers are well telegraphed, shot visibility is good, though in some sections I was getting some Garrega moments (might just be my aging eyes but there were times where I completely overlooked the grey shots and would just slide into them lol). What I'm not sure about in terms of layers are the on rails enemies, are they considered enemies or moving turrets? I was thinking I could try to seal them but I couldn't tell and I didn't want to chance slamming into them.


There's no bullet sealing for that enemy type. I might add bullet sealing for small ones, since it does seem intuitive that they would have it. Thanks for the feedback overall!

I took some time to grind out some routing for a clear and I gave some other overall thoughts. After really digging into it, I actually have a better feel for those moving turrets, and I like how they work in the space. Overall, I really quite like the ideas the more I sunk some time into it, there's lots of care put into the enemy placement.

legit one of the coolest demos i've played in a while dude, this game oozes personality and the gameplay just feels crisp asf
tbh i'd be so happy if you made a discord server so there could be a place where it'd be easy to see the progress of the game n allat


I thought about this a couple of times, but doing that would be a bit pointless I think. I'm pretty stingy with giving updates overall, since I would like the game to feel fresh and have a lot of surprises on the first playthrough. 

(1 edit) (+1)

I spent some time playing this yesterday and today, and had a lot of fun! I'm really looking forward to the release. I compiled my feedback on youtube here: Youtube Link

Things I like:

  • I love the visual style and soundtrack! The color scheme is really well thought both in terms of being both fitting the setting and also providing good bullet visibility.
  • The weapon switching mechanic is really engaging, and the enemy layouts do a good job of encouraging you to think about when and where to utilize each shot type.
  • The break room is a neat way to give the game some lore and personality without bogging down the core gameplay.

Things that can use work:

  • The scoring system doesn't have a lot of depth. You have a long time to chain enemies, and the penalty for missing a chain is really small, so there isn't really any reason to pay much attention to it. Because of that, scoring mostly comes down to just not getting hit and quick-killing enemies.
  • No tate mode :(
  • I'm hoping the final version has leaderboards and replay support

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I want to add tate to game options at some point, and I'll try my best to have replays and online leaderboards as well. Scoring will get quite a few changes in the future, demo release was really helpful in seeing how people compete with each other and push all of the systems of the game. 

(2 edits)

I'm not a shmup pro, just an amateur player, but here's what I think:

- Presentation is obviously excellent, one of the most beautiful indie games I've ever seen.
- Overall movement, collisions and controls feel really strong.
- Bullets are clearly visible.
- As some other users have stated, the chaining system is too forgiving right now.
- Rank system works fine, as far as I can tell. On my second playthrough I got hit more times, but also received more health bonuses, and the boss patterns were much more intense.
- I'd like to have an alternate slow-mode control scheme, Cave-style, where the ship moves fast while tapping the fire button and slow while holding it down. I think it's more conventional for shmups to be this way.  Four buttons is a lot, and to reduce the number of buttons used is always a good thing. Also, holding or tapping Shift key activates Sticky Keys Mode in Windows, which is annoying.
- If you're planning to use this boss fight as a Stage 1 boss, then I think it lasts too long. First stages in shmups tend to be fast and short in general, because of their introductory nature. Judging by the length of a boss fight, it seems to me more like Stage 3 boss or so.

Overall, great job! I will keep a close eye on this project's development.
Of course, don't take my comments as something decisive. You know what to do much better than me.
Good luck!

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on windows 11- game crashes during the intro, both if i try and let it play out, and if i try skipping

i have a windows 10 laptop, so i'll check if it runs on that when i have time

finally got around to checking on the laptop, and unsurprisingly, that one did no crash. no idea why windows 11 is crashing it, but i don't think this is the first game i've had that happen too, so?

also, while i didn't play a lot (just did the tutorial!) i have to say, i'm very interested in this! i'm not a SHMUP person (i do, in fact, even kind of suck at it), but the style here is so appealing, i think i'm for sure going to pick it up when it drops! really looking forward to checking it out, and maybe becoming a SHMUP person??

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I love this game so much! The art is stunning, I love that breaks with chats with the characters, the world buildings seems interesting, the weapons are fun! I'm looking forward very hard for this game, have potential to be one of my favorite shmups hands down!
I had some feedbacks of things I liked to see in the game, but they were already answered before, that's why the edit

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It's been awhile since feedback and I assume you aren't looking anymore and this may be against your vision but I will say my piece: Adaptive difficulty does not belong in this genre. 

When I replayed the fight against Violette and realized her attacks change depending on if you've been hit, I immediately had three thoughts:

1. Whoa, sudden difficulty spike

2. Aw hell, I missed content

3. I played a lesser version of the fight and feel patronized

I'd much rather there have just been a normal, easy, hard, etc like in other games. Not only does the way this adaptive difficulty is handled feel a bit confusing but it also makes practice feel pointless. If I practice a whole stage and get hit once, then practice again no-hit, then I am suddenly no longer practicing the same stage. Makes the usage of a hit-points system kinda pointless since now I'm inclined to slam reset at the slightest bit of damage where I might otherwise press on. If all of this is the intention and part of the vision for the game then by all means go for it but feeling constantly anxious that one hit of damage instantly means I'm playing lesser of a game than others is not my idea of a good time for a shmup.