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Rachel Chen

A member registered Mar 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

Hi Anwynn, Oh, I know! BFF 2 BAE and Summer Camp 86, right? Here are the download keys, please, make sure to claim them as soon as you can to ensure that they stay yours: BFF2BAE Summer Camp 86 And hey, if you want, I can send you more. You can review all games for free if you like. You have always been so kind to me, I am really happy to share these with you! Game development is difficult, and time consuming, yes. I’ve also had many projects started that I didn’t finish. Especially in the past when I was still learning the engine (I work in TyranoBuilder). I believe that some projects are just meant to help us learn and explore our ideas. Don’t beat yourself up! You can improve a lot with dedicated practice and online tutorials. And about depression, I get it. A lot of people go through it. I’ve been through it too, life is not easy and sometimes, we feel very alone and hopeless. If you want to talk, you can add me on Steam. I am online almost every day there. Take care! -Rachel

I know, sorry about that! Last year, dealing with all the comments that I was getting, was really challenging, so I just closed comment sections everywhere. But, I’ll keep the one for 3D items always open as I am still learning and someone may need help with the download. And yeah, a comment after playing would be awesome! We don’t do ratings though, only written feedback. Please let me know what titles you’d like to play and I’ll send you the links! How are your games going? You’re working with RPG Maker, right? Is it difficult? -Rachel

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Hi Anwynn, Thank you so much for your comment! It’s great to hear from you again. ^-^ I believe, I still have a long way to go with these models but it’s great to learn something new! Btw, would you be interested in playing some games designed by me, for free, in exchange for a review? This is our studio’s page: , if there’s anything that catches your eye and you’d like to play, you can let me know and I’ll send you the links. Take care! -Rachel

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Hi Sailing Ocelot! Thank you so much for your message! Yes, I have removed the classical series, partially because, I felt that those backgrounds weren’t that great, and partially because, the stock websites that I was using to find royalty free photographs and vectors, have suddenly changed their policies regarding the permitted use of their stock. In the past (when I was making those backgrounds and releasing them), it was possible to use photos commercially in any way, but last year, licenses have changed greatly, and a lot of new rules were introduced. As a result, it is not possible for me anymore to use stock from these websites, to make backgrounds and GUI elements, for resale. Law doesn’t work back, but, I always strive to comply with all licenses and policies, so, I removed the assets using that stock, from, to avoid any potential problem. Now, this doesn’t mean that you cannot use these backgrounds and GUI in your game, you can, as it is still permitted to use that stock in larger creative projects, especially while edited. I just cannot offer them for sale here, as it would be considered some sort of competitive activity. It’s a shame, btw, that they have changed those licenses and policies. In general, this type of situation, shouldn’t be happening, as it is not fair for people that have already used that stock for different purposes. Unfortunately, I cannot do anything about this. I have checked what assets you have purchased by your email, and, I have re-enabled the old downloads. Please make sure to download everything today, and write me a comment when you finish, so that I can disable those downloads again, to avoid a situation where someone accidentally buys it. As a side note, one reason why I have switched to AI art, is precisely that, if you use stock from other sources, you always risk that licenses will change, while most AI art, is licensed as public domain, and public domain license cannot be revoked. -Rachel

Great game! I played till the end and loved it! <3

Hi Csingl2, Thank you so much for your message! Actually, I still take requests, I just took a longer break from the shop due to my daily job. The Civil War style pack sounds fun, let me ask you some additional questions! 1. What season would you like? 2. Do you need night versions? 3. Do you need more outdoor or indoor settings? Thanks! -Rachel

Hi CharDucks, Thank you for your message! It’s been a while since I’ve made any backgrounds, other work kept me busy. But sure, feel free to leave your request and I’ll see what I can do! -Rachel

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Hi Steg Game Dev, Oh, really? I didn’t even know, I just checked it. Thank you for the info. It makes sense to me. Not all AI engines are made equal. I have checked different ones, some don’t mention anything about the rights to created images, which already seems suspect. Meanwhile, others, don’t have any terms of service so you don’t know how they look at the copyright issues. I personally use an engine that has strict policy regarding their image base, and gives the subscriber full rights to the image generated, and also requires them to sublicense the generation as a CC0 work shall the subscriber decide to make it available publicly on the engine site. So, I am confident that the assets that I am selling, are fine from a legal point of view and should not create copyright problems. However, returning to Valve and their decision, I believe it is for one more reason. Namely, it’s very hard to tell whether an image was made by an AI or handpainted by an artist on Pinterest. So, I am not surprised that they want the person to be able to prove that they have rights. I believe though that your games will be fine. The images are new, drawn by the AI’s neural networks, and for a copyright issue to exist, a person would have to show up with an identical or very similar image which is not possible, as every generation is new and original. I believe that currently, is an uncertain period in the internet era, where people don’t know yet what stand to take toward AI art. I believe that the world will eventually embrace AI art but there will always be the dispute as again, not all engines are created equal. In any case, thank you for bringing your concern to my mind! -Rachel

Hi Steg Game Dev,

Here you go! Make sure to claim all the three keys as soon as possible, otherwise, someone else may claim them. And hey, it’s to thank you for supporting me, you don’t need to make it up to me in any way! Regarding the convention pack, I can try but it will be challenging as conventions are always crowded. I’ll add it to the requests list, though.

Have a great weekend! -Rachel

Welcome! ^-^ By the way, thank you so much for all the purchases! As a token of gratitude, I’d like to gift you 3 free download keys for 3 packs of your choice, no matter the price. Let me know which ones you’d like and I’ll send them to you! -Rachel

(5 edits)

Hi Steg Game Dev, Thank you for your questions! Single user license means that the backgrounds are licensed to the buyer only (and not to third parties). What this means is that you, as the buyer, can use the backgrounds but people who didn’t buy them, can’t. About your other questions - you can use the backgrounds as many times as you want, in as many projects as you want. There is no limit. Here are more detailed responses:

  1. Can I use one pack in more then one project? - Yes! Once you’ve bought it, you can use it in an infinite number of projects.
  2. Can I split multiple backgrounds from multiple packs over multiple projects? - Yes! Feel free to mix backgrounds from different packs and compile them into different background series for your multiple projects.
  3. Can I use the SAME backgrounds / background compilations in multiple projects? - Yes! If you want to make a series of games that take place in the same location, it’s ok!

In the license txt file, I state: “-You can use my assets multiple times, across different creative projects. You don’t need to buy them again, once is enough.” I hope this helps! Have a great week! -Rachel

Thank you so much! ^-^ By the way, I have seen your email. I will respond you in more detail on Sunday, but the quick answer is yes, sure! -Rachel

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Hi Anwynn, Thank you so much for the support! I hope so too. And don’t worry, the comment section will always be open to everyone who’s kind and respectful. 💚 The text was added because of two haters who gave me one star reviews without buying anything, and a recent person who has attacked me in a very rude way. I am not upset with you or anyone else, don’t worry. Feel free to comment as much as you like! -Rachel

Sounds great! Good luck with your project, and thank you for supporting me through the years! ^-^

Hi Zyacat! Thank you so much for your request! And sorry for the late response. Sure, I will work on a fir forest, and pay attention to make it fit those packs, and also, to make a day and night version with different settings. Regarding a mountain pack, that’s also a great idea! I don’t have one yet, I will add it to the requests list. As for the nightclub, got it, no worries. I will still make one in the future though, as I have received multiple requests for it earlier, and somehow, I never followed through (I kept forgetting). Thank you for your support as well, it means a lot to me! Have a great week! -Rachel

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Hi Arlesmon, yes, sure! What matters most is that they make part of some larger creative project that you’re making, and aren’t distributed as they are (that is, in a way which would let others easily copy and reuse them). Good luck with your videos and streams! -Rachel

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Hi Spooky Precious, sadly, I had to remove the rating option as it was abused by haters. I’m happy though that you enjoyed this pack! Thank you so much for your comment. And, good luck with your games! -Rachel

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Hi Anwynn, Sorry for the late response! Ever since I started my full time job, I have very little time left. Yes, Renpy is very popular! I think that’s the most common engine among visual novel makers. I didn’t use it because, I can’t really write code. I used Novelty to learn the process of visual novel making, and then switched Tyranobuilder because it was similar. Regarding gui, I’d like to make general texture and element packs that will let the visual novel makers make their own GUI. I think that’s the best idea. And… I also loved the ice cream mini pack, it was among my favorites from the classical series! I’m working on remaking it but I need some more practice, so far, I wasn’t successful. And welcome, thank you once again for your support! Good luck with your creative projects! -Rachel

Hi Megowhat, That’s a great idea! I’ll add it to the requests list. Please let me know though, if you’d prefer something darker or more colorful? As for lecture rooms with lined up steps, I’ve tried to make this type of background before, it’s quite challenging. But, I’ll try, hopefully, it turns out better than my attempts in the past! Let me know if you have any other requests, thanks! -Rachel

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Hi BiGamesTycoon, I consider this quite a personal question. If you are curious regarding how payments are handled, check out this page from’s FAQ: - it explains everything, including taxes. Have a great Sunday! -Rachel

Hi Anwynn! Yes, I’ve renewed my portfolio completely last autumn. I’ve discovered a new method of making backgrounds and grew a lot as an artist, so I’ve decided to gradually remake everything. The old packs will be back, but in new versions (available for free download to everyone who bought the old ones earlier). Several packs are already back, though they may look a bit different, or have slightly altered names. The old versions won’t be available anymore but everyone who bought them has downloaded them already just like you, so there’s no issue. Regarding GUI packs, those had a lot of elements that ultimately weren’t needed (and lacked some others), and most people mistakenly bought them for Renpy. So, I removed them, and I hope to make new ones which will be universal for all engines. And as for the tarot cards, people tried to buy them as assets for their games so I’ve decided to start another shop especially for the purpose (when I have more decks designed). Your ratings are all still there, no worries; they’re just momentarily hidden. Sadly, I had to disable the rating function to protect myself from haters. Thank you so much for your continuous support though, I’m truly grateful! I’m sending you the free download keys. Please claim them as soon as you can so that they’re yours. I’ll also keep you posted when I remake the packs you’ve bought, so you’ll be able to redownload the new versions for free.

Take care! -Rachel

Hi Anwynn, I wanted to thank you so much for supporting me as a creator! ^-^ It means a lot to me, really. As a token of gratitude, I’d like to gift you 10 free asset packs from my portfolio. Please choose the ones you like (no matter the price), and list them as a reply to this comment here, and I’ll send you the free download keys for them all. Have a great weekend! And thank you so much again! -Rachel

Hi Zyacat, Oh, I haven’t thought about those! It’s a great idea. I’ll add them to the requests’ queue. If you have any specific requirements, don’t hesitate to let me know! ^-^ Have a great week! -Rachel

(5 edits)

Hi BiGamesTycoon, Yes, it does. I even talked about this to the support, some time ago. Just because some people despise AI-made art and consider it inferior, it doesn’t mean that buying and selling it is illegal and forbidden. It’s not. I own all rights to the images generated and thus, I am free to sell them. As a side note, I pay a subscription for the program, and it takes time to generate backgrounds and edit them so that they can be used. I spend 4-12h on every pack, sometimes much more. -Rachel Chen

Hi Zyacat, Sure! ^-^ I’ll add it to my request list, I should get it done over the weekend. If there’s anything else that I can help with, please don’t hesitate to let me know! -Rachel

Hi Noodlings! Sure! I added this pack to my queue and I started working on it today, I hope to post it soon. Would you prefer more realistic colors (with greys), or pastel ones (warm tones, etc.)? For the recolors, got it, I’ll take care of this as well. Have a wonderful Sunday! -Rachel

Thank you so much! ^-^

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Hi Noodlings, I’ve already replied to your comment, please check in your notifications! Also, for future questions, please post here in the main topic, it’s easier for me to track requests when they’re in one place. Thank you! -Rachel

(3 edits)

Hi Noodlings, Thank you for your comment! I understand your wish to buy the old packs, but unfortunately they aren’t available for purchase anymore. I removed them from my portfolio many months ago, after discovering a new and much better way to create background art. I keep growing as an artist all the time, and I don’t want to keep distributing old stuff which was imperfect in many ways. I will remember though that you’re interested in this particular style, and I’ll take it into consideration for future packs. Also, if you need something specific for your project, please leave a request in the general requests thread. Posting there makes it easier for me to keep requests in one space. Thank you! -Rachel

Hi ForgottenPeacock, Thank you so much for understanding! And also for your kind words, I’m happy you like these backgrounds! ^-^ Here’s the key to the candy shop pack, please claim it as soon as you can.

Good luck with your projects! -Rachel

(2 edits)

Hi ForgottenPeacock, thank you for your message! And sorry for the late response, I was traveling and returned home just moments ago. Regarding your question, first of all, I’m sorry about your negative experience. Let me explain what happened: last week, another buyer notified me via email that I accidentally uploaded the wrong pack to this project page. I didn’t have time to properly fix this issue so eventually, I emailed them the backgrounds, and left the matter for when I’m back. I’ll take care of it now, you should be able to download the right image files within a couple of hours. To make up for your bad experience, please pick one pack that you like from my collection and I’ll send you a free download key for it. -Rachel

Hi Carine, I see, thank you for letting me know! ^-^ I’ll add both to my queue. I’ll be away for a couple of days but as soon as I’m, back, I’ll start working on your pack. Regarding GUI packs, I offered some in the past but they were fit for only one vn engine, TyranoBuilder. Most developers work with RenPy though, so the project was abandoned. I hope to reply to your email soon! -Rachel

Hi GameAct, Thank you so much for your answers! I’ll be away for a couple of days but as soon as I’m back, I’ll start working on your backgrounds. Have a great Sunday! -Rachel

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Hi Carine, I’m afraid, I don’t have any pack with western town backgrounds in the portfolio right now. :( But, I can make one soon. Which style would you be most interested in? A modern, big city with larger buildings, or something more classical and picturesque? Have a great weekend! -Rachel

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Hi Carine,

Thank you so much for your kind words! ^-^ Yeah, I’m hoping to make forest packs that match the cabins soon. If you have any other requests, don’t hesitate to let me know!

Also: I’ve just seen your e-mail, I’m really sorry you’ve encountered this problem with the Old Gothic Town Pack! I’ve checked and yes, I mistakenly set the old version of the pack (which was previously called the “Haunted Vampire Mansion”) as the one for download, instead of the new one (visible on the preview images). I’ve already fixed this problem, please go back to the downloads page and re-download the new file: Romantic Gothic Pack - 20 Visual Novel Backgrounds.rar. If you still have issues, please let me know! -Rachel


Hi GameAct, Thank you so much for your message! I’m glad you like these backgrounds. ^-^ And sure, I’ll add your requests to my list. I have a couple of additional questions, though: 1. On the outside shots of the cruise ship port, would you prefer to have sunny or gloomy weather? 2. Do you need just day shots of the cruise ship port / terminal, or sunset / night shots as well? 3. Do you have any specific rooms in mind for the mental health facility? If yes, could you describe them? In general, the more details I have, the more accurate the backgrounds. Have a great week! -Rachel

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Hi ForgottenPeacock, Thank you so much for your kind words! And also for your purchase, I’m glad you found these backgrounds useful! As for the program used, I typically don’t share this information as it’s my secret of the trade. But if you do some digging online, you should find it (or other great options). I recommend getting a paid subscription if you need art in large dimensions. -Rachel

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Hi Prikarin, Thank you so much for your purchases! ^-^ I’m happy you found these new versions helpful. Regarding the dark/night recolors of the Large Cabin in the Woods, I’ve already finished them, I’m attaching the links:

When your game’s ready, please let me know, I’ll add it to the collection showcased on my profile! And good luck with the Winter VN Jam! -Rachel