Hey Iskander, thank you so much for such a valuable feedback! I also watched your video and really enjoyed it (especially the encounters with Mimics haha) I was really looking forward for your encounter with the boss, but those pinky Beholders were merciless.
The story behind Violet’s Awakening is that it was developed during two weeks for a video-based Unity course on https://www.dio.me/en (but it’s in Portuguese, as I’m from Brazil). So even though there are indeed many bugs here and there, the main focus was towards teaching how to make a dungeon-crawler, almost roguelike-ish game (which, honestly, is what I love haha), so perhaps my students will pick up these great suggestions you made and implement in their own versions of the game.
I believe the most noticeable bug in the game is that sometimes you hit monsters but they don’t take damage, and that gives the impression they have a lot of health, when in fact they have very little health and are supposed to be easy opponents. I might release an update on this in the future with some improvements and bug fixing!
As for the Tunic-like secrets, perhaps they’re just too secret 😮, so secret that I forgot to include them in the game 😮 But that will be our little secret haha
Anyways, thank you for playing, and I really appreciate the feedback, both here and in your video! Stay tuned for variations of this game as my students reach this point in the course 😁