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A member registered Mar 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Like the pixel art a lot. Sometimes there's no room to move. Very cute.

Thank you for your comments :) The two fonts we're using are Manslava and Sen (both Google fonts).

The premise is too light for my tastes and would get tiring quickly. It's fine for a jam game, but when considering design and depth of design, you might want to push the envelope more. That's subjective, mind you. Just where I come from.

Best one I've played this jam. Tight design. Kudos.

Good spit and polish overall. 

Couldn't land on a single platform. The countrols with the keyboard are really finicky. It's tough to do platforming controls right. I'm no expert. Art and music are good. I love that you had clear instructions on how to play: really important for a game jam game.

Awesome story and art style.