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A member registered Jun 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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This is the best interpretation of "roles reversed" I have ever seen. Simple, engaging, and shocking. I honestly thought that this would've been a scrappy first game some little kid made, but I was proven so wrong. A perfect score for sure.

Although the game had an incredible sheen and ambience I was struggling to find how "roles reversed" was utilised cleverly. Although the reversed trope is a good start, I feel as if having the gameplay revolving around "roles reversed" might augment player experience.

Thank you so much for the review, relaxing is kind of the main thing we were going for as we struggled to find real challenging puzzles. I will also rate your game. 

I really like the sound design/music along with he visuals including the parallax. I noticed that you added a short delay where you can jump off-platform which is pretty satisfying. The only thing small nitpick I have is that the jumping feels a little short/heavy. Its not that it even feels bad, because it doesn't. It just doesn't feel as good as how polished everything else is. (Just a really small nitpick). 

played and rated!

Thanks for the review! I honestly spent a bit too much time on the music ;-;.

Your should make it so the stuff you can't destroy is outlined, and as you absorb more stuff you get bigger. < If that's already a mechanic I might have not gone far enough to notice it. 


Thanks, I was also surprised by the movement, I feel like I didn't even code enough for it to be like that. Your also totally right about the screen size, I just needed the game to be in a 4:3 aspect ratio for the spawning placement and wall collisions and wasn't able to figure out how to do it. Your review is appreciated 

Your totally right, Im thinking maybe I would add some glow to the player or something. maybe it just needs to be full screen. 

Thanks, I wanted to make it as goofy as possible

If you spawned the meteors and tentacles all randomly, and then displayed where they are going to be on the console and then after a short delay make the meteors and spaceships start moving, that might also work. But your right about the console that would probably be better on a harder difficulty. 

I liked the music and I liked how fast the character was.
- I would add a button that quits out of the game, just pressing escape to do exit would work.  
- The character is fast but the accelerating feels a bit slow, that might be my computer though
- You can add a frictionless physics material to the colliders to make the player not get stuck on the block
- Since the platforms are small, make a shadow or something underneath the player that shows if they are above a platform. 

Fun game, I would make it so that there was obstacles that the ghosts could go through but the player couldn't, and I would turn down the sfx volume. The music is good. another suggestion is to have it so when the ghosts collide them combine to make a stronger ghost. That may seem pretty random, but it would fir the theme if they absorbed one another and it would be better then them rolling off one another. 

The game felt pretty polished, but I have a few half-backed suggestions. Since there is an actual in game warning, I feel like the console should warn the player in advance, that way they have to decide which side of the tentacle to be on using the info from the console. At the same time make the console cover the top or even all of the screen so that you have to be safe before viewing the console. I especially like the menu music, and not so much the gameplay music.  

Its a bit late to post this but in the case any of you guys rate our game honestly we will gladly honestly rate yours.

Thank you!!

We're glad you liked it.

Thank you for your review!  Your criticism will be taken into consideration.

(1 edit)

This is the updated version that includes no longer having a game breaking bug>