Issues with Lizard Game:There’s a missing comma or period on the Influencer dialogue near the start that suggests maladaptive daydreaming. Specifically, it says “There’s the thrumming of the generator, the beeping of computer terminals” and that sentence looks to be missing something at the end.
While loading the downstairs area while using Firefox, the game hung and took a long time to load, and then was slow to close the description for looking at the neon sign. This did not happen when loading the downstairs area while using Chrome. I repeated this bug. Both parts reproduced - the slow load of the entry and the slow close of the sign’s description.
The downstairs area also hung briefly halfway across the room. This downstairs stuff recurred when loading a save from later in the game. Basically, reloading the page and then going downstairs for the first time in a setting caused a huge slowdown.
The onpxfgbel erirny sequence has two errors. First off, ‘that remained shut’ should be ‘that had remained shut’. More irksome, It says ‘if one the guardians’ when it should clearly say ‘if one of the guardians’. This was the error which I noticed several playthroughs ago, which inspired me to leave this comment pointing out issues.
Oh, one I want to conceal in its entirety. V crefbanyyl pbafvqre vafrpgf gb or irtrgnevna-sevraqyl, ohg V haqrefgnaq guvf vfa'g n havirefny bcvavba. Shegurezber, V frrz gb erzrzore (n qvssrerag irefvba?) gung gur tnzr hfrq gb cbvag bhg gung gur vafrpgf jrera'g qvrgnevyl-pbzcngvoyr naq unir Elr vffhr n 'abgr gb frys' fglyr pbzzrag nobhg ybbxvat sbe n pbzcngvoyr nygreangvir.
In other news, that was playthrough four. I can't quite come up with a fanfic plot, and I don't quite have the right kinks...