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Random Precision Software

A member registered Mar 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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Love your name! Class ! Stevie G

Thank you! ..I love this game myself.. It's so funny

Pong for 1 player

Hi,Iwas wondering if there any demo scenes included ? not a scene of just all the prefabs?

Great asset

yes, I'll check for an update. Thanks

Thanks for the reply. Ive imprted your script into an empty project (with Super TextMesh) and I get this error.

Assets\Clavian\SuperTextMesh\STMOutlineGenerator.cs.cs(54,27): error CS1061: 'SuperTextMesh' does not contain a definition for 'OnRebuildEvent' and no accessible extension method 'OnRebuildEvent' accepting a first argument of type 'SuperTextMesh' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Hope its something easy i need to do.


Roy Meredith

Super Text Mesh community · Created a new topic URP

Hi can you tell me if its compatible with URP / HDRP please.



Maybe get a proper PC lol sorry, im not an Apple fan.

What game engine do you use the spectrum games?

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Thanks, and good luck with your projects !

I'll look forward to playing it, what engine did you use? I've done A  Arkanoid clone myself on

I tried putting my game up on steam when I forest got into unity (3 years ago), it was like using 1990s DOS to upload it!. I gave up and just use Google play store and  now, if anyone knows how to put their game on steam then let me know I'll pay them to do it for me!

Oh Right, I thought i didnt reconise any of the assets!

Looking Good !

I saw the video and pleasantly surprised at the quality. What  game engine is it developed on?

Ok,that's good news!.. is there any of my assets that you would like since you've already got that particular one?

I have emailed you them, They work OK in Unity which is what they're designed for, but PNG's should be able to load into other engines without a problem. I also sent you  Sci Fi Pack 2 for FREE. I hope they work for .

Can you give me your email address please.

I will look into it,are you using unity or another engine?

I will sort that out within the next hour for you.



hi did you get my email with your assets?

Can you send me your email address to me at, Thanks I will sort them as soon as I get your email.

yes,I should have I will check for you

I can't find  your email address for me to send you the PNGs please email me @


yes,of course

Thank you

You're the second person who have asked if my tile sets are ripped? Which has me worried that I'm recreating the graphics TOO good. In future I will only loosely base them on the originals! So no one can moan art me lol

(1 edit)

They are inspired from r type metroid and turrican etc..They are very similar but different enough to be ok. I wonder if people say this when Super Mario clone sprites and Mega man sprites are up on these sites?

Small Worlds ** Release Update ** now has a level selector so you can unlock your new levels.

I'm not sure,I think the amount of music in it may be a limitation. I'll have look at it tomorrow and let you know.

can you please let me know if you have received my email, thanks

I do ,I will email you them within 12 hours.

(1 edit)

I've looked for an email address contact you but couldn't find one. Just wanted to know how you coded it on a C64 in these days?..I'm hoping your answer would be C# on visual studio lol