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A member registered Jan 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the list.

I've always refered to Chino as Pikachu XD

The flip is going on with that formatting?

Patreon gets regular updates while it seems like we'll only get them once a year here.


Updates have typically come out on the 3rd or 4th of each month.

The next update may be on 3rd or 4th Febuary. Just depends on when Raliv has it ready.

Don't worry ^w^ it will still be getting updates. I think it may be around 3 February for the next update.

They're on Patreon.

I don't think it has any effect. One of my NPCs has no weapon or cloths and shows up often on all levels. Order of creation may have something to do with it, but I really have no clue.

That's odd.

It's just random chance. How many NPCs did you make? I've only made 5 and they show up often, some more then others.

That can happen since the islands are randomly generated.

It's in the options menu.

(1 edit)

If you are using a browser, scroll to the top of the page and click download, and it will take you to a page to download the latest patch.

There is no pink dye at the moment, but it may get added later.

An answer to your question about armour: I have a little under 300 total armour, and I take just as much damage as I would naked. So currently it does nothing, but that may change.

From what I know, there was plans for it to be on Steam, but that plan was canceled. I don't know the reason why.

RalivDev just needed some more weeks to get the next patch ready. I would say approximately 5-7 more days untill it is ready, may take longer tho.

I agree with all but two of your negative points. 

The ice dagger skeleton is blue on my end. Your monitor may be a little off colour. If your talking about the crystals the skeletons have, then they are purple on all of them.

As for the chest staying open, I think it's for the best so you'll know which chest you have already opened. I think the two in your home should close again tho.

You can mix it up.

Can you cutomize the tail? If so, then you have the most upto date verson ^w^

Not in this game.

Annue is the art director.

Well this was a fun and silly little game XD

The only way this game can be inproved is animating the sex scenes, like 2-3 second looping animations, nothing big.

There are a few of them in the game, normally in places where there are no enemies. If you see a strange chair with a box infront of it, then that's what you're looking for.

Hold right click to aim. Use tentical chair to undo pregnantcy.

You can change the size in settings.

Does making steam engines and charcoal generators in Minecraft count? XD

My head cannon (if that's the right phrase) for this game, is that the tentacle monster was terrorizing several scools in [REDACTED] city. So the local govament laid a trap to keep it from having it's way with the youngs girls of the country. Once it was in their trap, they hired many youthful women to help bait it into staying in there until they find a way to kill or contain it.

This would explain several things, like why all the girls are 18+, why none of them have any underware on, why they enjoy the tentecles and why none of them are going to class.

I also have a suggestion for the cosmetic unlockables. When you buy them, you get a chance slider that starts with a range of 0% to 10%. Buying the cosmetic again will increase the max by 10% each time until it reaches 100%, the cost should also go up by 10% each time. Conflicting cosmetics, such as the fox girl and cat girl, when the combind totals of the group is greater then 100% increaseing one will reduse the others. A better way to explain it, is say a player gets both the fox and cat to 60% each, setting the fox to 60% and then setting the cat to 60% would reduse the fox down to 40%, keeping the combined chance to 100%.

You need to level up. You get one every 4 levels.

That is the only mission in the game right now. Just wait an ingame day or two and she'll reappear. Entering and exiting the dungeon may work too.

She does come back, just wait until the next game day.

Werewolfs and animals give you meat that you can cook at a campfire. Once cooked (keep you eye on it becuase it can burn), place the food on your hotbar then selected with 1-6 and then left-click.

The checkaboard one that sits above the dungeon map.

Update v0.7 is a really good update. I have encountered a few bugs though.

During random events sevral mobs will not spawn. The health bar appears and will say "Werewolf", but sometimes it will just say "Character" and the health will be either 100 or 0. One bare hand punch will drop Werewolf loot and give 300exp. One Halfling mob will also spawn like this at their camp.

Mobs that have 2 or more skulls will always drop two loot bags.

The demons in the dungeon respawn very quickly, you only get about 5-10 seconds before they respawn. After sex with the demons in the dungeon, there is a chance the player will respawn on the place holder roof with no way to get down. Jumping off will kill the player and lock the game.

The next one is about the paintings, no matter which one you make, it will always be the first troll one when placed.

When you have summoned one of the monsters and talk to them, the screen will fade to black at the same time as the "End conversation" button shows up. When you select "I'll be in control" the player and monster will just stand T-posed inside each other. I believe this is because the animations have not been completed yet, so not really a bug.

The button prompt pannel that appears during sex doesn't disapear once sex has ended.

I hope this helps.

Sounds good ^w^

When I said player dungeon, I was referring to the one mentioned on the "Summon Werewolf" item. Sorry, I should of been more clear on that one.

(1 edit)

I like this game so far, the demo is fun to play. Altho I have found a bug that locks the game. It's easy to occur but also easy to avoid if you know about it, I also think it could be easy to fix too. If you get attack by two creatures at once and you don't have enough points (fist icons) for both of them, the one who knocks you down will start to have sex with you while the other will have a chance to kill you, and if it does kill you before it fully fades to black you will just end up seeing your self dead on the floor with the first one just humping the air. You can still press "B" to end the scene. You can still attack the creatures and move around, how ever once you interact with something with "E" the game locks up. None of the keys work and "Alt+F4" doesn't work. Task manager can still close it tho. I can think of two ways to help stop this from happening; The first one shouldn't be to hard, make the player unkillable when a sex scene is triggered. The second one will take more work but could also be done at a later date, is create sex scenes that involve two creatures. This should stop the second creature from attacking.

I also have two questions, is the player dungeon in the demo? And does the wooden mallet do anything yet?

This is a beautiful game. Short, but still worth a play.