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What US and Europe do is not even remotely comparable with what russians do, please. See their atrocities in Butcha. And there are many cities like Butcha. Besides, have US or any European country annexed anything after UN was founded in 1945? Because russia did.
I have friends who had to flee their homes, I have colleagues who died defending their country. The downtown of my city is ruins after russian missile. So f russia.
Я мало не купив її в стімі. На щастя, підписаний на куратора, що помічає російські ігри. Не хочу вкладати гроші у те, щоб мені в місто вкотре прилетіла ракета.
Якщо розробники кудись переїдуть і будуть платити в бюджет іншої країни, тоді можна буде купити. Ну або якщо війна завершиться і в рф зміниться режим на такий, що не хоче захоплювати світ.
I don’t know how to improve balance - not my cup of tea.
I’d add more info on the buttons. Like upgrade levels (if I bought vehicles 5 times - to have a number 5 on a vehicles button). Also would be nice to show how much gold typing each word from an upgrade gives you (e.g. “2000g/word”).
Other than that? More content. For example, buying 10 people upgrades - improves human clothes or even add a new person. Making things interactable would be a nice touch - if you press on a cat it meows or something.
Also, would be nice to have a small congratulations message once you unlocked everything. Not necessary a pop-up, could be just a green text below all upgrades.
Awesome game! Couldn’t expect it to be that great.
spoiler alert
It would be really cool if our universe name (Z89541) would change depending on the choices made in the past, like a seed. But maybe it shouldn’t, idk.
As for the term “time branch” - it is confusing for me. In one place the term it seem to describes the node that different time paths converge to. In another place it seem to describe a time path between 2 nodes.
Also, I can’t see how millions of time paths can converge into one node. If you skipped the class and if you went to school - you get 2 different universe afterwards: the one where you remember going to school (+ you have the notes you taken during classes) and the other one where you remember the activities you did while skipping the school.
Also, shouldn’t Butterfly look much older and shouldn’t Mirall recognize him?
I made the following list for myself. What do you think about it? Does it worth it to play those extra versions?
1 (1) Happiness 1 REMAKE
2 (2) Happiness 2 [Remastered]
3 (3) A Happiness Story [Remastered]
4 (4) Existence (RPG)
5 (5) MILKER (RPG)
7 BUTTERFLY [Remastered] <2023>
8 (6) Butterfly [Remastered] <2024>
10 (7) Goodbye Time Traveler [Remastered]
11 CC: The Girl Who Chants Love at The Edge of Time
12 (8) CC: The Girl Who Chants Love At The Edge of Time [REMASTERED]
13 (9) Null: Anniversary Edition
15 Death Moon
16 (10) Devotion [Remastered]
17 (11) Time Letter [Remastered]
18 (12) Zero One [Remastered] <fouzi94>
19 ZERO ONE [Remastered] <strange-girl-studios>
20 Reeva
21 (13) Reeva [Remastered]
23 (14) End of Happiness [REMAKE]
24 (15) Divinity [Remastered]
25 (16) Carmine [Remastered]
26 (17) Farewell My Happiness [Remastered]
27 (18) Identity
28 (19) Goodnight Mirall [Remastered]
29 (20) Naz [Remastered]
30 (21) NULL 2 : Genesis (The Full Game)
31 (22) SYSTEM
32 (23) Observer
33 (24) Hassan : A Happiness After Story
34 (25) Waiting for Godot
35 Happiness Forever: The AI-Generated Game
P.S. You forgot about “NULL 2 : Genesis” in your comment.
Cool game. It’s a little confusing that we allows South America back again without any more lore explanation. Or when on day 7 the rule about “only standard browsing for silvers” suddenly disappears. Also if would be great if after day 7 you’d give “The End” screen and opened Endless Mode, instead of giving the same level over and over again. Also it’s a bit annoying to not know the priority of the rules.
Regardless the idea and the game itself is great. If you decide to extend it (with improvements, different endings etc.) it could become really popular.
Wow. I got to the end by the shortest path on my first walkthrough. Then I went every other path. And I made a map.
spoiler alert https://img.itch.zone/aW1nLzE1MjI0MDUzLnBuZw==/original/6qZJn2.png
Too bad the date is 3/1 now. I wonder if changing the system time would work.
With Hollow Knight I got used to jump with Z, attack with X, dash with C and heal with A.
If you feel the same - you can easily remap your keys. Just install AutoHotKey, create a file called silksong-dm.ahk, insert the four lines below in that file, save it and run it. Don’t forget to stop the script after you’re done playing.
While pacifism is a noble ideology, unfortunately, I don't see a way to stop Russian terror other than fighting it. And after all the misery and grief they brought to my country, I have a strong belief that they must be stopped. Russia started an unprovoked, full-scale invasion. Their army murders, rapes and is mugging people. They destroy entire cities, and their missile targets include civilian objects and objects of infrastructure. There is nothing sane or reasonable in that. This is pure madness.
And the Ukrainian army is not an aggressor here but a defender. Donating to support Ukraine's efforts helps to ensure that they have the necessary resources to protect innocent lives and maintain stability.
I spoke with a lot of people who fled from the Russian invasion to my, more safe, city. I don't want this here and I'm thankful to all of those who keep Russians away.
P.S. I could send you some links to articles with detailed information about Russian atrocities in Butcha, for example, but instead, I'll send you this 3-minute Imagine Dragons video.
Sorry for such a long comment.
Why the red cross, though? There are way more efficient ways to donate to Ukrainian victory:
- "Come Back Alive" foundation https://savelife.in.ua/en/ . Support bank transfer or cryptocurrency. You can check information about them on Wikipedia.
- Direct transfer to the Ukrainian army. The option created by the Ukrainian government https://bank.gov.ua/en/about/support-the-armed-forces/
- Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation https://prytulafoundation.org/en/ Nothing much to say about them, other than they're credible and have been really useful to the army.
Oh my god, this is epic. I actually downloaded a game and now I have all these xml files with all the constructions etc. This would help a lot when making decisions during Impossible difficulty. Maybe I could even figure out how to run it with which local server and play it offline.
P.S. As for you - if you downloaded a game via launcher then run it via launcher.