Off to a cool start!
I'd sent Ozzy a more thorough critique of this demo over Discord, but the tl;dr? Feels right at home for a classic PSX or N64 horror survival. There's a lot of potential here with Leona's being a former combat medic and the light RPG elements. The opening cutscene looks great.
I just wish I was better with tank controls, eheh. At least I didn't get killed by the wendigo, but almost. ^^;
Raziya The Seeker
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Omigosh, Meghan's voice is perfect for my MC! Alex and Sean sound like they're having a lot of fun with their lines, too.
I can't say it'd be anything more than an RPG Maker project (maybe not even a commercial one), but I like what I hear. Bravo! I'm definitely buying these as soon as I have the cash.
Looking forward to any future clips but for now, these are perfect to start. Thank you, folks!
Finished game, had a blast. A lot of thought and effort went into this refined little adventure. Thank you for making this!
For anyone interested, my opinions can be found here:
These are too cool! I am translating the tileset over to my RPG Maker VX Ace game, and these are a ton of fun to even just look at! Reminds me of something you'd play on an old-school Apple II or something and heck, like the original Wasteland.
I don't mean to be that girl but some of the tiles do have a very dark purple to edit out instead of a true black? But it's easy enough to find them and remove using the Magic Wand tool in Paint dot Net, or similar. Then I just Shift-painted all of those black. I found the purplish patch on the lower-left grass tiles, as I tend to do pixel work zoomed in.
Aside from that hiccup, these absolutely have my recommendation, especially for the great price. Bravo! <3
This game is ridiculous and I love it. Every run is frantic and over-the-top, but playing is easy to grasp with basic trial-and-error. Even if one sucks, (which the game over screen happily tells you without a new high score), it's addictive to keep playing. Adding the skip feature for another run was a good touch.
It's crazy how well the presentation looks, let alone how the game plays, for a jam. I'd been curious about Pixel Game Maker MV for a while, so I'm glad Crabby is such a blast in that engine.
Top-notch Lavy fun, I've gotta say! I'm not totally familiar with Homestuck but if this is as close to the comic as people say, mebbe I should check it out. The custom pause menu were good additions, I love the Seth's Marker font, the pixel art is great, and the dialogue was lovely. I was a giddy dork when I got as far as I did, though it's a shame it wasn't as long as it could be. Nevertheless I'm sending you the screenshot of a certain scene, which is now my desktop background. You'll know the one. Awesome work as always!
The combination of it being a journaling game without stats, along with using simple playing cards instead of RPG dice, are good choices if you ask me.
The lack of hard game stats means it's more versatile: good for one-shots, good for extended adventures, even good for backstories like my first playthrough. The lack of RPG dice goes hand-in-hand with that fact, and makes it more accessible with random generation. And real talk, I'd love to see more playing card decks be used for games in general. ;)
I loooooved monster-tamer media when I was younger, and the interest still lies dormant even into adulthood. I'd love to see what I can cook up for this; am pondering something similar to Digimon World 3 but with more-accessible opportunities to gain new beastly buddies. Guess it helps that I once made a monster-tamer project in my youth... albeit ripping off my favorite video game monsters in the process. While I'm not overly experienced with making much progress in games, I still wanna give this a go when the time comes.