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Re: Ascent

A member registered Feb 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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I think its mostly bara men, there are maybe 4 that I would consider twinks in this game. 

I asked around (telegram) and thats where I heard it from, they didnt get into specifics unfortunately. 

I poked around, it sounds like hes got stuff going on in his life and he can't focus on this. So heres hoping! <3

Unfortunately, I heard that he abandoned this game.

I also want to know, but I havent seen any updates lately. :(

So has anyone found out if hes still here?

I wasnt even paying attention and thought he was taking a break >.<

Ahhh, I see. I will wait xD

Hello, I think I'm missing something, I can't seem to find the update, I paid and played but seems it doesn't have the update. Any help will be appreciated! 

Thanks! :)

everyone likes fat things xP

He hasnt made anything since march, I think he might have abandoned this game.. 

I havent seen a lot from overia  for the couple months.. Hope everything is okay. 

you are currently stuck there until the next update (or updates) depending on how long it will takes hyao to bring you home :)

Love the story!

Cant wait for more!

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But can you add him as a companion as a sub?  

Did with the dom just wondering if its possible either way. 

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I think the slime is mining experience and the abel is the intro guy.

Abel is yummy but im guessing hes gonna be a companion later down the road. 

Now the Imp is the one I'm interested in. Kind of wish you could have him either as a sub or dom. 

that'd be awesome

You could also take a crack at making your own game, maybe inspired by this developer? I love LD and been inspired by his drawings, and I came up with a story. but im still new at putting it together and doing the finishing touches on them. So Ive been holding off until im done with college xP

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Ya, Ima bet that hes gonna abandon this game. I heard he abandoned other games as well, hes been working on lust and that its just a cash cow 

Love it, one suggestion, maybe an option to just be male or female. Overall nice game :)

I know this is a silly question and I know your making another game that is absolutely yummy. but when are we gonna get an update?  ;_;

mostly gay.

mainly gay? 

I'm not sure, can you play as a female?

But I think the majority of it is super gay. 

I don't think there planning on changing to straight content. 

Your welcome X-)

its similar to LD, other than that its fairly simple. money wise, that takes time. .  was kind of hoping for a big win at the casino, or having to "pay" if ya lose. but other then that its a nice game :)

Im also waiting, but I do not see anything yet. Lets hope so ya?

Oh I cant wait for an update! I'm so excited!!

wait your bringing back the other engine thing? I can't wait <3

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Did he say he was bringing it back? I don't remember him saying anything about it.  Not that I'd be against it, it's just they went to another program, unless he said it somewhere and I'm living under a rock.  

edit: I just scrolled down, he said its gonna go back to freeroam or something, yay LOL

B. I like be better, why? cause dreams dont really do it for meh. :P

They had setbacks. I don't know if they'll have anything soon. Maybe march or even april. They lost a coder and are currently lookin for a  cgs or something. so... ya.. its a bummer..

Not sure, still waiting on the update. It should be any day now.  IM SO EXCITED!

renpy i believe. from what i was told its pretty easy to use. Im looking into making a game and thought about using it.

Oh imp love <3 I think submitting in the fight has you bottoming, kind of?

Im sure will get it soon, maybe in the next update.


soon? maybe? i was epecting at least 30 days. but we will see. 

I believe what your looking for is Antilycan, a remedy for lycanthropy. the ingredient is 1: silver powder 2: Wolfs bane 3: alpha male fluids 4: wolfs bane 5: Alpha male fluids

I dont think you can join forces if you submit to him. It seems kind of one sided tbh.  it would be nice if they could change that to be able to play either dominate or submissive.  

It looks like you got things back on track, which is nice. I'd suggest putting more into the story. Maybe focus on one of the characters a month. But not rewriting their whole story. Stick with what you got and go from there. Its good so far. There is one bug every time you "service someone" other than that its good. Also, the one with the monkey (can't think of his name atm) when you do room service, it actually skips straight to his room and his fun bit. Thanks again. 

is this part of  SbArPg?  

Also are you moving to renpy?

I thought summoned by accident was taking so long, but looks like were going into other branchs.   :P

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Maybe.. but it seems like it already is a brothel with renting yourself out and all. would be cool through, making a better version of coc. now the prison thing is cool. what id like to see there is to get those lizards and rats to be on your team. >:3

Oh you let go of the frog and went with a dog. Would prefer a pretty kitty but I can make due.