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A member registered Nov 19, 2019

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Any chance of getting a PC version of this one? No VR on my end, so would love the option to be able to experience this.

135 Helping Hands, 119 Many-Make Ovens, 104 Super Sweeteners, 91 Delivery Vans, 79 Cookiegandas, 66 Cocoa Farms, 54 Cookieclators, 41 Comically Large Ovens, 28 Cookie Embiggeners, 15 Multiversal Assistances, 3 Girlbosses, and billions of cookies later I'm out of space to hold all of these cookies and things to make more of them. Shame they all keep floating away in space - hope the aliens out there enjoy them all.

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If you need to find it in the future, Menu > My Library > View All (Upper Left, not in the sidebar - or My Purchases in the sidebar works as well) > Bundles to navigate to any bundles you've bought on this site.

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Moderators? Anyone? The hacker just purged and closed the comments section completely, we can't warn people of the Malware anymore on the page, yet the Malware is still intact. Can we please get somebody on this so more people don't get infected?

Tell me you don't know how a computer works without telling me you know how a computer works. That link is called a Mailto link, it is basically a hyperlink for your email client (If any) and will try to open said client to paste the To field in for you. It is not malicious, it does not open any backdoors, it is literally just a time saver for people who use mail clients. You can easily set it to a web browser to send that To: field to a web client like Yahoo or Gmail as well. Try to learn a feature that has been on the web for longer than you've likely been alive before you call it malicious immediately, will you?

As for your arguments... Search engines will have certain things they look for, one of which is popularity. You can clearly see you are looking for the most popular games with that tag in your own screenshot. Do you know how insanely big the furry fandom in general is? Do you know that for the most part they police themselves far harder than you would try to police them, because they don't like seeing people use the furry card as an excuse to do some vile things? Seriously, grow up. These games are not aimed at minors, any with actual sexual content will warn you it is 18+ only.

You aren't trying to protect independent game creation with this sorry excuse of an argument. You're looking at something you don't like, drawing conclusions with a lack of evidence and critical thinking, and immediately assuming the worst and trying to beat people over the head with your newfound logic. Not only that, you're making horrendously false assumptions. Most furries are straight? Have you seen the furry fandom? Clearly you haven't, it's got a massive swathe of people who are all over the LGBT+ spectrum, if anything I think straight people are in the minority. The games you're finding have bestiality? Doubt it, unless it's creatures you wouldn't find IRL like Dragons. Then again, that wouldn't fit the definition at that point - as bestiality doesn't apply to creatures that don't exist, including anthropomorphic versions of animals. The games are aimed at minors? As I said earlier, they are not, quit deluding yourself into thinking they are. A cartoonish look doesn't mean something is made for, or aimed at, minors. 

If you truly do think you're in the right, step back and do some research and critical thinking. You're making a mountain out of a molehill, because if this truly was the problem you think it is it would have been shut down years ago. They are not pedophiliac, do not contain bestiality, they are not aimed at children, they are not unpoliced by either the site or their own community, and they are not made by minors. This is a hit piece on something you do not like, plain and simple. Take a step back and calm down before returning to this thread if you truly care - because right now you're blindly hating on this just because the furry fandom exists and you think its an issue, at least in my eyes.

Since Itch support hasn't replied in a solid week despite reporting the game, I'm reaching out here. Confirmation ID: R-74867 has had their developer be caught up in a malware attack, and they have lost control of their and Discord accounts. The Itch account used to have the game available to play on site, it has been replaced with a download file that's aimed to infect the C drive and hijack your accounts, especially Discord accounts - and ransom them back. There have been many users trying to warn others of this in the comments section, but the hijacker has been repeatedly deleting the various comments. Is there any moderator that can get Itch support staff's attention on this report? I understand there is a queue, but considering that this is a case of Malware on the site... Well, I'd rather see this get taken care of sooner rather than later.