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A member registered Mar 29, 2017 · View creator page →

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There is woman x shota.

Can you upload the Optional Maps to other mirrors as well?

You're replying to the wrong person and the last part was obviously done in a sarcastic tone to make a point.

It is a workaround, take it or leave it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I agree with you, such content should be made optional at best and not removed completely.

Nothing controversial really, just some crybabies whining about hating certain fetishes.

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Who the fuck cares about someone getting offended by whatever content on an already niche game?

Put an option to disable/skip them if you care so much about these people but if you're going to go down this self-censorship route because of some crybabies, I'm not interested in following the development further.

As it only hurts the game when devs care more about the offended than just developing content you're passionate about.

By copying over the save folder in the game directory.

(2 edits)

I don't buy that reason at all, since, latest one will be on the top and you can see their month/year to tell anyways, so it is only preventing from checking what people has to say about the builds.

Luckily, there's another site where people are free to discuss and review games so, I am able to know while the animations are great, your history on development has been terrible and scummy.

Description can be easily looked over which is the reason important info that like should be stated in the purchase area.

Wait, so they don't even get to keep the builds they purchased if a new update comes out?

Since, it seems you're deleting the product page and creating a new one for every build update so, we can't even look at past comments. That seems suspicious to me.

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This isn't about censorship but Patreon is trash either way.

Regardless, you should at least let your customers know that this is a subscription model instead of scamming them. is not Patreon.

Mate, read the development log.

I'm getting a headache playing this game with low ass FOV, extreme mouse sensitivity even at lowest setting and the volume slider doesn't even work.

On top of that, the game is complied with il2cpp instead of mono so, I can't even use dnSpy to modify minor stuff for better experience. Ugh...

Ask them to arrest Japan then.

Ah, yes, you hate "kids" so much that you look at a fictional woman with big tits and ass as a "kid" as well?

Lmao, you're mentally ill and it's hilarious how you're trying to tell people that they're a real "criminal" for playing a video game.

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That's exactly what a closet-pedo would say. Just like a racist would say "I'm not racist because look, I have black friends".

Thanks for proving my point.

Yeah, you're surely correct even though these things already exist and is a norm in Japan.

Anyone who also thinks concepts like "killing" should be permitted in games is a degenerate piece of shit and or a psychopath straight up soon to become a murderer IRL.

Now maybe do the same with yourself and stop bothering people over your mental illness.

There are  many adults in real life who act like a child as well. Don't see how mature or childish someone act is a "problem".

Take your own advice because pixels aren't "children" and never will be.

Ironically, you do like loli because SJWs like you always seem to be complaining on every loli games meanwhile never in a shota games proving the hypocritical double standards with "closet-pedo" like you.

You know morality and legality are two completely different things right? In the past, human slavery was completely legal.

In my country, pornography as a whole is banned, doesn't mean porn is somehow immoral just because the law is dumb.

Meanwhile in Japan, shotacon and lolicon is a normal thing so you'd be calling an entire country a "pedo" based on your dumb logic.

You're not only neglecting but you're downplaying it, it's the same as people who use "violent" games as an excuse to real life crimes.

Ah yes, it's a "pedo" game, I guess GTA is a "psychopath/school shooter" game then following such dumb logic.

My point still stands about people equalizing anime characters to real life children are cringe.

You calling people "child diddlers" for liking a certain fictional characters is the same as the people calling people "psychopath/upcoming school shooter" for liking killing people in GTA V, Hitman 3 etc.

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Yeah, yeah, sure, keep making more excuses to justify your disgusting hypocritical double standards.

"less prominent" my ass because SJWs like you always come out of your little bubble whenever it's about a "loli" character and never, not even once have I seen you start a complaint when it's about a "shota" character.

No one here likes children other than people like you who are so obsessed by kids that you see a "kid" in everything. So, you're ironically projecting yourself here you "closet-pedo". The only excuse for a "human" is people like you who gives jack all about real world issues and just wants to act like you're morally high by attacking pixels.

What assumptions?

People like you said nothing about the game until there was this censorship post.

It's clear you only care about fictional "kids" when they're a girl but not a boy. And forget about real life children which actually matters, those are non existent to people like you.

Take your own advice an go to therapy because you really need it.

You're crying about pixels being somehow "wrong" when there are real world issues that you're severly downplaying here. It's not only disgusting but sad that you don't even realize how you're hurting real victims of child abuse by equalizing them the same as fictional characters.

You say this fictional character is made to look like a "kid" but please show me what "kid" in real life have such perfect proportion with massive bust? Yeah, none unless if you're a "closet-pedo" who tries to find a "kid" in everything.

Windows 11 sucks especially for gaming.

Either revert back to Windows 10 or have dual-boot.

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Or maybe that's just your "closet-pedo" subjective view.

There are many adults who keep plushies as a comfort/decoration item including some who use them as a sex toy.

The fact that you see an adult who's short with big tits as a "kid" is really concerning since it is you who is ironically sexualizing kids.

I didn't ignore anything, I simply called you out for your nonsense.

And I'm not the one making you look bad here, you're doing it to yourself.

Ah, so if someone is just drawn "short", it's a "kid" to you? What an absolute clown not only a "closet-pedo" but also discriminating against short people.

Look in the mirror and ask that question to yourself before you try and virtue signal about pixels.

"for being able to recognize a drawing as a kid"

This is exactly what I'm talking about. 

You thinking a "drawing" is equivalent to a "real life kid" is absolutely demoralizing to actual victims of child abuse.

The only ones who would try hard to take attention away from real life issues to non-issue scapegoats like "pixels" are people that are "closet-pedos" like you who want to act morally high so, no one suspects them of anything.

Quite the contrary in fact.

People like you who are mentally ill always equates pixels to "real life children" which is absolutely disgusting and is making a joke out of actual victims of child abuse.

Instead of being vocal about real world issues, you instead try to derail from that and put attention towards harmless games, so, I take it only a "closet-pedo" like yourself would do that.

Take your own advice and seek professional help because you clearly need it.

You clearly don't based on the fact that you people never take an issue with it.

So, great hypocritical double standards, pal.

You think that, no one else thinks that.

So, yeah, you're gross if you think an anime character looks like a "fuckable kid" to you.

Get your brain checked, you closet-pedo.

You think that, no one else thinks that.

So, yeah, you're gross if you think an anime character looks like a "real life busty children" to you.

Get your brain checked, you closet-pedo.


You need to seek professional help if you look at a fictional anime character and the first thing that comes to your mind is real life children. You're absolutely disgusting in the head and it says a lot more about you than anyone else.

Funny how you people take an issue with the "loli" yet the MC who also looks like a "kid" is completely fine by you. The double standards with you "internet-pedo-police" is hilariously disgusting.