Its a Samsung. Haven't filled up memory yet. It just randomly kicks out of app. The app open but reloads when reentering. Hadvthis happen on CCTV and Sunkissed as well. Though other porn games like Summertime Saga have also done it. Its only the porn games that do this for Androids.
Recent community posts
Love the game.
playing on android. Theres a grapgics bug with the MC breeding when he transforms he not there. The partners are doing air.
Also CeCe has a graphics glitch since the update. Her hair disappears during mating scenes.
Theres a random glitch with showers. Sometimes it show the women sometimes not.
I look fwd to more updates. Also look fwd to seeing Rika in the pit.
Thanks for your hard work.
I saw the comment but lost it. Play on Android. Mom and dishes cant get past. Doesn't register as pressing down or rubbing. Since its needed for story progress i suggest at least for now a skip button till fix.
thanks for your effort, ive caught up with the other three. Good game so far looking fwd to future updates.
This is to get people a strong first 5 day start walkthrough.
1st day: Go for a run; sit on couch (repeat till evening.), kitchen meditation, take shower.
Put aa follows at end of day in this order; all acceptance in serious woman, minds eye in sex numbness, fun in serious woman till upgrade the remainder in do what you are told. (This should give you two evolved bubbles and a start on the last red one.)
Day 2: get money from husband when you wake up, pee, go bookstore get second book "steamy beauty", read till late afternoon, show son affection, sit with kids.
Put stats as follows: Mindseye goes to fun person, fantasy goes to do what you're yold, oxy to son, erotica to sex frustration.
Day 3: Husband money, (chores have been same for me but from here might want to double check.) Laundry, read book till evening, cook, then shower.
Stats: fantasy into do as your told till change, the into fun person, frustration into marriage, mindseye into moral standards, erotica into sex frustration the desperate, productive and acceptance into desperate, fantacy into fun person.
Day 4: husbands wallet again (unless you have $100 in your account you can keep doing this. Certain senerios require more which requires working.), use toilet, read till evening, sit with kids
Stats: fantacy into fun person till become naughty, mindseye into naughty, fantasy into moral, frustration into marriage, erotica into desperate, ond oxy into son
Day 5: husbands wallet, clean toilet, read till evening, sit with kids once then shower.
Stats: Frustration into marriage, fantasy into matal standards mindseye into naughty, acceptance and productive into desperate, mindseye into naughty, oxy son.
That should give a strong start.
Ive unlocked the son and immagrant. Still figuring out daughter. Ive only gotten kids badmouthing so far. Dont know how to get daughter.
Playing on android.
Have issues were I max out shame but options in menu say i need more than 0.3 to select.
Edit: played a bit more maxed out all states and crossed the line. Still wont allow give into temptation buttons or the car cuddle final. Says i need more shame in all of the even though its maxed out.