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A member registered Mar 07, 2023

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(5 edits)

No deck challenge: Can I beat the campaign by selling my entire deck?

Catie: it might be possible if you get a lot of luck and play perfectly but limited. I have lost so far.

Cheyann: beaten with 2769 points.

Cristina: beaten with 1655 points. I didn't expect her to be able to beat it.

Juno: so far only beat round 1 once. Redraw hand isn't useful if you're not using your hand.

Kathryn: same basic issue as Juno. Ability is irrelevant to the challenge.

Lizzy: got pretty far but couldn't get quite 900. Probably possible to beat with a lot of luck and perfect play?

Ayla: What does it say that my current strategy is reset to try to insta-digest a punk and something with bonus to digestion? Absolutely impossible. Ayla used to be pretty good but the current Ayla is extremely difficult to do anything with. Not just in this challenge either.

Gail might be doable over a critical mass. Problem is beating round 1 to be able to do that.

Charlotte: strictly worse than Gail and would take a miracle to win. 

Mobi cat: pretty easy to go exponential. Won with 1920.

Aisha: lost the first couple attempts. Are round 1 you usually get good enough bonuses to get pretty crazy draw. Beaten with 3860 points. 

Chip: actually gaining any bonuses is difficult. I really don't see how this could possibly be doable.


Seraph: beaten with 5500 points.  Really not surprising because extremely strong self-combo.


More attempts later.

(1 edit)

I tried seeing how fast I could reach each point milestone in infinite mode using Deyla + Nexxi + Juno and things got insane really fast.

Turn 12: Nexxi gets going at about the rate I can draw cards. I pass 1000 and reach 1750.

Turn 17: By now, I've stacked up multiple level 3 Deylas and Nexxi is unstoppable. I pass 10000 and reach 11000.

Turn 28: I pass 100,000 points making everything strong enough to instantly digest a a healer and start investing into Juno. I want the ability to do 100 redraw hands a turn so that I can usually spend all 10 points boosting prey capacity. This will take some time to achieve, but I will achieve it.

Turn 54: I replaced a less upgraded Deyla with a Kayla and capacity-boosted her over several turns to increase the points I get from digesting Joilys (which are the main source of points because of their quadratic stacking). At this point she ate 38 of the Joilys, though she definitely didn't get all of them. There was still a lot of room for improvement, given that I had 58 redraw preys per turn. On this turn I gained some 140000 points. And my final score was 1072118. More than a 1000000. A million points in 54 turns!

QoL idea: Button to quickly restart if you make a mistake or get bad RNG.

New gamemode idea: race to 1000. Goal is to reach 1000 points on as few turns as possible. Could also do other ideas like race to 100.

New gamemode idea: set seed mode. All random elements are repeatable with the same seed. The same exact sequence of events will occur as long as the inputs are the same.

QoL idea: end turn confirmation. If you end turn when it's clearly possible to fill more stomach capacity with the prey already out there, or summon or level up a pred, it will ask if you're sure you want to go to next turn.

QoL idea: undo. Cannot undo back past ending a turn or redrawing, but deterministic, predictable actions can be undone.

(1 edit)

Some ideas for new cards and mechanics. Names are placeholders:

Gemini: prey, +5 points, 5 health. Will escape before digestion if they are not with their twin.

Desparado: prey, +15 points, 10 health, eats other prey in the same stomach and begins digesting them before digestion, Acts as a predator with 1 stomach capacity and 3 digestion. Instead of giving you points when it digests prey, it gains that many points in health. 50% chance to escape if its stomach is empty. Upon being digested its stomach contents are released.

Eager stomach: effect card, costs 1 energy. Predator uses digestion attack immediately instead of at the end of the turn.

Long way out: effect card, costs 2 energy. All prey within a predator gains +2 digestion resistance, doesn't take up any capacity, and will escape after 3 turns, but cannot escape on its own.

Bottomless:  effect card, cost 3 energy, pred has unlimited capacity for one turn. If they remain over capacity after digestion, their digestion is reduced by the excess capacity.

Alice: pred, cost 3 energy. 5 capacity and 6 digestion. -1 digestion for each capacity filled. Leveling up increases both capacity and digestion by 3.

Barbara, pred, cost 1 energy. 1 capacity. 8 digestion. gets points for keeping live prey in her stomach after digestion. Gets no points for digesting prey. +1 capacity and -2 digestion when leveled up.

Clairissa, pred, cost: 5 energy. 8 capacity and 8 digestion. Every digested prey reduces capacity and digestion by 1, down to a minimum of 1. Levelling up doubles current capacity and digestion.

Darya, pred: cost: 4 energy. 2 capacity and 3 digestion. Digested prey gives you energy on your next turn instead of points. Leveling up increases capacity and digestion by 1.

Elise, pred: cost: 0 energy. 0 capacity. 0 digestion. Can absorb one other predator per turn to gain their capacity, digestion, and current prey. Level up to give her the ability to do so 2 or 3 times per turn.

Flora, pred: cost: 3 energy. 0 capacity, 2 digestion. Whenever prey are drawn, eats the weakest among the newly drawn ones and makes them take no capacity. Level up to eat the 2 or 3 weakest instead.



Battle mode. Either 2 human players or a human vs computer. All prey and predators are given both prey and predator stats. Predators may be fed from the hand if they themselves are not in a stomach for free. or eat friendly or enemy predators. Predators may eat other predators in the same stomach. Predators take up extra capacity for the amount of food in their stomach. If a predator is digested, their prey is released in the stomach that digested them. Redraw hand and redraw prey are the same.

anti-buffet: play as prey and try to lose. Either another player or the computer  plays as pred but you get to decide where the prey goes. Try to minimize the number of points E.G. Putting healer in weak preds to jam them, putting Ellen in preds with 2 capacity, etc. However, the other player or computer decides when to end the turn. Can also play against the computer with it stuffing the wrong prey down your preds throats.

Deckbuilder: decide the ratio of each card to play with.

Point energy mode. Instead of gaining energy in subsequent turns automatically, you gain energy whenever you gain points. Note that energy is still "use it or lose it."