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Buffet Suggestions Sticky

A topic by M0b1 created Feb 26, 2023 Views: 5,093 Replies: 49
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Do you want a quality of live improvement?  To see a specific mechanic in game? This is the place to ask for it!

It would be nice to have the redraws you get from Juno usable as redraws for either your hand or for the prey, would make for a lot less wasted hand-draws later in the game.


I heard that one a couple of times! There is a chance I introduce "Redraw Prey" as it's own button giving some other ways of obtaining charges.

(1 edit)

Some ideas for new cards and mechanics. Names are placeholders:

Gemini: prey, +5 points, 5 health. Will escape before digestion if they are not with their twin.

Desparado: prey, +15 points, 10 health, eats other prey in the same stomach and begins digesting them before digestion, Acts as a predator with 1 stomach capacity and 3 digestion. Instead of giving you points when it digests prey, it gains that many points in health. 50% chance to escape if its stomach is empty. Upon being digested its stomach contents are released.

Eager stomach: effect card, costs 1 energy. Predator uses digestion attack immediately instead of at the end of the turn.

Long way out: effect card, costs 2 energy. All prey within a predator gains +2 digestion resistance, doesn't take up any capacity, and will escape after 3 turns, but cannot escape on its own.

Bottomless:  effect card, cost 3 energy, pred has unlimited capacity for one turn. If they remain over capacity after digestion, their digestion is reduced by the excess capacity.

Alice: pred, cost 3 energy. 5 capacity and 6 digestion. -1 digestion for each capacity filled. Leveling up increases both capacity and digestion by 3.

Barbara, pred, cost 1 energy. 1 capacity. 8 digestion. gets points for keeping live prey in her stomach after digestion. Gets no points for digesting prey. +1 capacity and -2 digestion when leveled up.

Clairissa, pred, cost: 5 energy. 8 capacity and 8 digestion. Every digested prey reduces capacity and digestion by 1, down to a minimum of 1. Levelling up doubles current capacity and digestion.

Darya, pred: cost: 4 energy. 2 capacity and 3 digestion. Digested prey gives you energy on your next turn instead of points. Leveling up increases capacity and digestion by 1.

Elise, pred: cost: 0 energy. 0 capacity. 0 digestion. Can absorb one other predator per turn to gain their capacity, digestion, and current prey. Level up to give her the ability to do so 2 or 3 times per turn.

Flora, pred: cost: 3 energy. 0 capacity, 2 digestion. Whenever prey are drawn, eats the weakest among the newly drawn ones and makes them take no capacity. Level up to eat the 2 or 3 weakest instead.



Battle mode. Either 2 human players or a human vs computer. All prey and predators are given both prey and predator stats. Predators may be fed from the hand if they themselves are not in a stomach for free. or eat friendly or enemy predators. Predators may eat other predators in the same stomach. Predators take up extra capacity for the amount of food in their stomach. If a predator is digested, their prey is released in the stomach that digested them. Redraw hand and redraw prey are the same.

anti-buffet: play as prey and try to lose. Either another player or the computer  plays as pred but you get to decide where the prey goes. Try to minimize the number of points E.G. Putting healer in weak preds to jam them, putting Ellen in preds with 2 capacity, etc. However, the other player or computer decides when to end the turn. Can also play against the computer with it stuffing the wrong prey down your preds throats.

Deckbuilder: decide the ratio of each card to play with.

Point energy mode. Instead of gaining energy in subsequent turns automatically, you gain energy whenever you gain points. Note that energy is still "use it or lose it."



QoL idea: Button to quickly restart if you make a mistake or get bad RNG.

New gamemode idea: race to 1000. Goal is to reach 1000 points on as few turns as possible. Could also do other ideas like race to 100.

New gamemode idea: set seed mode. All random elements are repeatable with the same seed. The same exact sequence of events will occur as long as the inputs are the same.

QoL idea: end turn confirmation. If you end turn when it's clearly possible to fill more stomach capacity with the prey already out there, or summon or level up a pred, it will ask if you're sure you want to go to next turn.

QoL idea: undo. Cannot undo back past ending a turn or redrawing, but deterministic, predictable actions can be undone.

Ana, pred cost: 5, 2 capacity , 3 acid , +1 capacity and acid for lvl,  +1 capacity for digested prey. +1 point per turn for the prey inside the stomach. If the stomach is empty at the end of the turn, it eats a random predator (the predator's health is x2 of its cost x1 for each level). +1 acid for digested pred.

you do realise that multiplying it by one does nothing,right?

(1 edit) (+1)

PVP. (predators vs predators)
let there be a mode with a player against a player or a computer against a player.
Everyone is given 5 points at the beginning of the game and a choice from all possible predators. On the left and right there will be a deck of prey for each player. Points will be awarded only for digesting prey. It will be possible to eat the enemy predator by paying the cost of the selected predator multiplied by the level. The predator will take up space: 1 + the amount of prey in the stomach. Hp will be: the cost multiplied by 2. The player who has eaten all the predators loses.
Also increase the number of maximum points to 20.


The ability of a pred to consume lower level pred cards? I seem to run into the issue of stacking up too many preds and not having enough prey


Hello, this is both feedback and suggestions. Though just know that the game as is, has been very enjoyable and I'm always happy to jump back in for a few rounds. This changes are in order of important and are mostly quality of life things. Sure more content would be great, but others have suggested that.

1. A way to view deck: More specifically, I want a button that lets me check me whole deck, or depending on how it works, what cards are still in my "draw" pile. A discard pile might be nice as well, but it's less important.

2. New art for the "spell" cards: It doesn't need to be good, or even that different. Just something to diferentiate them. All the preds are unique and clear, the prey are the same. However, the "spell" cards all look the same and I have to read them to remember what they are. Even if it's super basic, like an acid drop for digestion strength, some purple rings for hypnosis. 

3. More of a note but... certain predators actually get weaker when upgraded if you take the random pred option. Mobi Cat, and Cristina are the two major ones just from memory. Not sure what can really be done about this, but it is annoying when it happens. 

4. A way to "win" and a counter for it or a high score board to keep track of our scores.

(1 edit) (+1)

I like the needed buff to Cristina... But she still feels very underpowered and I only find her finishing off at most a few prey even when I start with her as my favorite pred.

I think she could be significantly improved by:

1. Double the digestion resistance of prey cards that have resistance. Or perhaps a bit more.

2. Decrease the health of prey cards that have resistance. Maybe by a third? Or half? I don't know, I'm no numberologist, lol.

Together, those would give more of a benefit to using Cristina, as opposed to just shoving the resistant prey into a pred with tons of acid damage who can finish them off in a single turn anyway (like a levelled-up Gianni).


Much like several others, I think pred-on-pred predation would be a great addition to the game - I could see it being a pain to implement though, with the way things are currently set up. It might be cool to give the unseating mechanic a more voracious twist though?

I had an idea for a pray card modifier.  Willing prey or aggressive prey . That would atomically feed the first pred that had a free spot.  I was thinking to attach it to a rabbit card. Before you added her to the game. 

Eh not sure where to put this but I found a bug with the new campaign. I can't see the "buy" button on the bottom row of items. Additionally, either I can't see this button either or the game lacks a save feature and that would be really nice. Otherwise, love the new update and the fact I feel campaign is more interesting is great.

This picture below is the entire screen for me


Glad you're liking the change! 

Yeah you should have 2 rows of items, the UI is not adapting to your screen, will make sure to patch it next update, thanks!


Now that campaign is up and running, I'm won dering if it's possible to implement a way to save the current campaign and come back to it. Not sure how hard that is, but now I feel comitted to really exploring the campaign that feels like a nice feature to have. 

if we could choose what cards are in the decks

How about a goo girl, with +1 digestion and +1 capacity per digested prey and gives only 1/4 points per prey at lvl 1, +1 digestion and +1 capacity per prey and 1/3 points per prey at lvl 2, +2 digestion and +2 capacity per prey and 1/2 points per prey at lvl 3. Costs 2 points with 2 base digestion and capacity. Cost 1 point if favorite. 


I got Idea for a mechanic: Fusion: Fuse 2 Preds to make a new pred

(2 edits) (-1)

I just want a character who is immune to indigestion

also a sandbox mode or something like that where you can just screw around and do weird things like say,see how much you can buff your favourite pred

edit:I know the endless mode is sorta like my sandbox idea,but my idea lets you use ANYTHING,items from the campain,favouriting,any prey(this one isnt 100% needed but it would help),any card,ect

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 185 days ago

there should really be a sandbox mode


I would love to see a pred who can eat the other preds most likely working to let you get rid of people you dont want

I have an overwhelming about of ideas, half ideas, and little annoying questions. However, as someone who has also tried to code a card game (but in my case burned out before a decent game could be finished) I know it's way more trouble than one would think to implement new mechanics. Even if it seems like a simple thing, anything new you code has to agree with the subtlest interactions with other pre-existing code.

So instead of spewing my thoughts indiscriminately I'd like to ask a few questions first:
What aspects of the game are you more comfortable with altering or expanding on?
Is there anything off limits for suggesting?
What would you ideally like to see in an idea?

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

Love the way you phrased this! Things that are a bit off the board:

  • Pred consuming other pred cards. It's a popular request, but can't do since some of the pred characters are pred only and would be very confusing.
  • Abilities that would require additional UI or extra steps like targeting

Other than that I'm fairly open! Specially with more flavor-like abilities instead of point focused ones.

One thing coming into the game soonish is different locations, making it more "rogue-like" run and giving the player some new setting to play with.

Thank you! I look forward to the update!
I'll post other ideas, but for now I was thinking it might be nice for locations to have subtle moving backgrounds. Nothing significant and distracting. Just some grass blowing occasionally in the breeze, candle or fire light flickering on the ground from off screen, a flowing river (lava or water), or fire flies. I know this isn't vore themed, but it's still a pleasant touch I think

late but maybe it could be a possibility with mod support 

(1 edit)

Here's a prey that's simple but challenging: Smug Slime
A slime girl with a short shirt saying "drink me" and her face is smug as if she's saying "c'mon. I dare you. Bitch. Just see what happens"
She's worth a ton, but upon digestion the pred loses digestion (or capacity if you can work around glitches like over capacity or no capacity
The idea is to present a challenge to well established fields (that the right word?)
This leads me to another idea for consideration.

Here's some ideas I have on the prey deck. I mention these because it touches on the previous idea a little but also might expand on future idea possibilities
Some prey only show up at certain parts of the game, or at least are more likely to.
This is to keep troublesome prey (like Smug Slime) from screwing players over early on.
Some prey could show up only early on to make catching them more challenging.
A special store upgrade might make certain prey show up early on to help build your field quicker.
Then there could be super rare cards that only have a chance to show up on every tenth turn.

*edit* last idea here: all I'm gonna say for now is BOSS CARDS. Not gonna get into how they work now. Just gonna leave it as food for thought

Hope I didn't ramble too much. If my ideas are unclear, don't work with what you're trying to do, or just make a mess out of the code, feel free to let me know. I want to be helpful


Hello dear developer of this game. 

I've been playing this game for a while and ended it after a while however I have several suggestions related to overall game performance and support. 

I recommend using api 19+(android 4.4+) as I tested this game on Android 4.4 device and it worked fine(overrode through special permission)

The game works fine for most Android versions but the loading time sometimes takes up to 20 seconds(on MT  6752 CPU)and I know it's because of Unity, so I strongly recommend to port the game to Godot engine as it will work much better with such type of game also porting is easier for Godot. 

Also why does this game use OpenGL shaders?


Sure, I can modify on my next relase the api, thanks for the data!
Right now porting the game to Godot it's beyond my scope, in the future I may re-create it with some big differences in Godot since i fully intend on changing engines for all future projects.

Okay but I still have the question about shaders.

Maybe I am mistaken but they can decrease overall performance (especially on lower-end devices).

I'm sorry if I bother you too much for such a simple question.

There are a lot of preds the eat the prey orally not many that do it anally or with unbirth. I would like a change or and option to  change  what type of vore a card does.

(2 edits)

Now, this would probably take a good amount of effort (and it might be impossible since I don't make games), but what if there was a card that turned a prey card into a pred card (which would be added to your deck), with corresponding effects (Mufi and Sachiho being snowballers like the Mobi variants, princess not able to be removed, etc)

Another thing I think would be nice is if there wasn't caps (for digestive power and capacity) in infinite mode like when you get that one power up in campaign, or maybe instead a system (in infinite) where earning points would allow you to buy power ups.

maybe just a minor option menu to toggle any death related dialog off? Just like...incase someone doesn't want to see that kinda dialog 

more unbirth preds

Deleted 185 days ago

I'll try adding a full sandbox one on the next update

Deleted 185 days ago

An infinite mode where you can't die but just play

Deleted 185 days ago

It's back once again!

 Goes by Sandbox mode.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Idea for a pred: one that is able to level up an unlimited number of times, something like 3/3 for 3 energy. Starts very weak but scales up. I suspect this would be a weaker scaling strategy than something like Nexxi or Mobi, given the number of copies you can have is inherently limited and it would require a big energy investment compared to those, so to make it more viable, each level could also raise their maximum capacity by the same amount, allowing them to potentially scale bigger than any other pred if you have enough to stack up. Would have some synergy with Plum and Seraph, potentially.

On the repeated proposition of pred-on-pred, while having a pred who can eat the others is understandably a no-go, having one that can be eaten by others could be valid. Basically a pred who can be "leveled up" into any other pred, transferring their stats over. Could make for a fun strat paired with a pred that removes rules from prey- basically letting that pred indirectly gain the effects from beneficial prey like Mufi, Sachiho and Angel. An option could be the ability to play them on a seated pred for a small buff, so the card isn't completely dead if you draw them late.

Alternatively, there could be some way to "pick them up" from their seat and feed them to another seated pred, but that would probably be finicky to implement.

A switch prey could also be possible, one that gives more points for each other prey in the belly (to represent them "eating" the other occupants).

are you thinking about adding male characters? or perhaps gynomorphs and hermaprodites?

I know this isn't much of a change, but what about being able to swap from full screen to windowed and maybe even a "Gallery" to see all the phases the preds have?

campagin mode is too short slap in like 15 more levels so we can stack buffs from gift shop

I think it could be fun if, for every favorite card you pick in campaign, you unlock something. Like maybe a biography of the character you chose. 

hey, may you have some idea for a pred who give 1 point to each prey who eat?, for example if this pred digest a rabbit girl the next rabbits girls wil have a +1 point . I hope this can help.

just wondering are u going to do male pred too if yes i think a cute femboy pred could be included


That's the plan!

interesting 馃槼

(1 edit)

would you ever consider adding a option for users to add custom pred or prey card feature?


Yeah, final update should be mod support


possiblity but would it be possible to have it so cards keep their stats between rounds like say it reaches max capacity it starts with higher capacity than normal or it starts at level two?