oh I see. No worries! I got it now and I’m excited to see the design thinking you’re doing here. 😊
Hi! Just bought this and was hoping to also check out the Fantasy Hack as well, but it seems to be missing. Was it removed for some reason?
Wow, yeah! Looks really good! Congratulations!
Woah, there's new art and big revisions in the "page content" here. Looks good! I tried downloading the PDF again, but it seems it hasn't been updated yet. Can we expect an update on that soon?
where are the bullets? I mean beside the players
I can only see 2/3 of it
the window is gigantic
very fun and the shoot sound is great overall fun.
Okay got it, thank you!
I can only see 2/3 of the screen
why is the window so big?
the game is really fun but the boss seems to be able to walk through walls.
nothing renders on the scree