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A member registered Apr 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was fun. like less violent Hallow Knight :)

The game was fun. The camera had a hard time keeping up which made some sections , not hard, but surprising. I could also wedged on stair corners if you jumped just right :) but you can get out so it was more funny then anything. 

Very fun idea. 

I fixed a few bugs. :)

(1 edit)

press (z) on pc. Sorry keep forgetting to put that in the description 

Very nice entry. Great use of 1bit to make a nice world feel alive. 

Loved the art and the music. Great start, I only wish it was longer. 

Sure it is actually easy to do. 

(1 edit)

yes it is sorry noticed I didnt put that in the buttons. Its  (Z) I forget since I tend to test the game with a controller. 

Thanks for playing :)

Thank you :)

for sure. I had more stuff planned but had to cut a lot due to poor planning. Maybe a future project if people like it can addresses the lack of content. :)

thanks. I would have loved to make it a much fuller game. But used my time poorly and the jam ended. 

I wasn't entirely sure what was going on. The blue and green at the top, was that health, a timer? 

I got stuck in blocks :)

fun game has companion cube vibes.

I played it :)

I have no idea how to play this game 

very creative. 

if this dosnt win , then I don't know what will. Amazing game. 

if this dosnt win , then I don't know what will. Amazing game. 

the atmosphere was cute. I liked your recordings, but the google voice got cut off when I was fishing. not a bad little game. 

the atmosphere was cute. I liked your recordings, but the google voice got cut off when I was fishing. not a bad little game. 

Really good. I am terrible at it lol, I don' t know how much more story there is but I got passed the tutorial and could go no farther. But the concept was grand. 

Really good. I am terrible at it lol, I don' t know how much more story there is but I got passed the tutorial and could go no farther. But the concept was grand. 

fun. I am not sure I know the keyboard well enough my self to be good to actually play blind. The only hard part was sometimes I hear "v" instead of "b" but that could add to the challange I suppose. 

Great game. pretty fun and great for blind play. 

Great game. pretty fun and great for blind play. 

UPDATE: the controls got updated, now "Enter" is how you can hear the sounds directions again, this is just the reminder sounds, not the hint sounds. hopefully that fixes most of the issue people were having. 

sorry I thought I programmed "shift" but it was "enter" that is my bad. so I changed it. Press enter to hear the sounds again. 

press "shift" and it will beep 4 time. Up. Right down left. To remind you of the tomes. 

sorry, it's direction not distance. So up left down right. Unless thats what you meant. Only a few stages will you go from down to right. How far did you get?

I think we should remove this entry as it looks to be spam, based on all the jams submitted it did not appear to follow the rules for this jam, but that is just my opinion. 

my wife crushed me with 64, my best was 62 alas. 

Good game :)